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Calendar of Events

Young girl with a fish she caught - USFWS.

There are a variety of walks and nature programs suitable for the whole family year-round at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge. Visit our Walks & Nature programs page for a list of upcoming events.

Calendar of Events

Friends of Heinz Refuge

Friends of Heinz Refuge

Friends of Heinz Refuge Logo Color

Friends of Heinz Refuge (FOHR) is engaged in a wide diversity of projects, programs, and services which serve to raise awareness of and support for John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia, as well as the National Wildlife Refuge System and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

FOHR Website

Youth Conservation Award

Youth Conservation Award - Connecting Youth with Nature

Youth Conservation Award patch.

The Heinz Refuge Youth Conservation Award was created to recognize efforts of all youth who seek to learn more about the importance of wildlife habitat and environmental stewardship during their refuge visit(s) and then use what they learn in their daily lives. Completion of the award requires seeing and experiencing the refuge first-hand, learning and applying knowledge obtained from refuge exhibits and brochures, and participating in refuge-based activities, service projects, etc. This is sponsored by Friends of Heinz Refuge.

Learn more on our For Educators page.

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS  

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Around the Refuge

Page Photo Credits — All photos courtesy of USFWS unless otherwise noted., John Heinz at Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge - Ron Holmes.
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2016
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