About WREN

Get Started Here: Access the Knowledge Base


WREN (Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy) was established by the IEA Wind Committee in October 2012 to address environmental issues associated with commercial development of land based and offshore wind energy projects. As the operating agent for WREN, the US leads this effort with support from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), and the US Department of Energy's Wind and Water Power Technologies Office (WWPTO).


The primary objective of WREN is to facilitate international collaboration and advance global understanding of potential environmental effects of wind energy. To support this effort, WREN Hub has been created to serve as a collaborative outreach and engagement space, and to disseminate knowledge and information, housed on Tethys. While most WREN information and content is publicly accessible, some space is reserved for WREN member nations for collaborative work, under password-protection.


To access member-only material, visit the WREN Members Page.


Countries Currently Involved in WREN (10)


Notable WREN Products

Whenever possible, products from WREN activities are made publically available via Tethys. Below is a list of notable products:


WREN Webinars

WREN hosts quarterly webinars on the environmental concerns that are of importance to the land-based and offshore wind energy industries, as a means to effectively disseminate new information and research efforts to a large international audience of stakeholders. To join the webinar mailing list, send a blank email to join-wind-webinars@lyris.pnnl.gov.


Past wind energy webinars are hosted on Tethys, along with the associated video and presentations as available. Visit the archive.



Knowledge Base and Map Viewer

Tethys has collected over 2,200 documents related to the environmental effects of wind energy - offshore and land-based. All documents are available in a table format via the Tethys Knowledge Base and any documents related to a spatial location have also been geotagged and made available on the Tethys Map Viewer (note: this is a subset of the documents available in the Knowledge Base).




The following is a list of all WREN meetings - both past and upcoming:

  • WREN 2013 Kick-Off Meeting - Trondheim: December 3-5, 2013
  • WREN 2014 Meeting - Newcastle: May 15-16, 2014
  • WREN 2014 Meeting - Denver: December 2, 2014
  • WREN 2015 Meeting - Berlin: March 13, 2015
  • WREN 2015 Meeting - Bern: October 21-22, 2015
  • WREN 2016 Meeting - Dublin: April 4-5, 2016
  • WREN 2016 Meeting - Broomfield: November 28-29, 2016


Regulatory Framework

Information on the regulatory frameworks of member nations will soon be available here.



For more information, contact:


Andrea Copping

Karin Sinclair

Jocelyn Brown-Saracino

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