Farfield Environment

The large-scale effects of a device beyond those affecting the direct site.

Farfield Environment

Farfield is often composed of areas more than 10 meters distant from the device or array. While the farfield environment is similar to the nearfield habitat in that they both can be affected by the same stressors, the farfield environment can have more complex changes that are difficult to measure/monitor. For example, scouring caused by an offshore wind monopole in the nearfield habitat can be seen on a small temporal scale due to the physical presence of that monopole. The effect that the monopole has on the farfield environment can be far more complex and may only occur after a long period of time. The severity of impact that a stressor has on the farfield environment also depends on the scale of the project; a larger scale commercial project which causes more removal of ocean energy will likely have a greater impact on the farfield environment than a smaller scale pilot project.

Total Results: 185
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Assessing the Cumulative Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Developments: Establishing Common Ground Willsteed, E., et al. January 2017 Journal Article Marine Energy general Farfield Environment
Research Priorities for Assessing Potential Impacts of Emerging Marine Renewable Energy Technologies: Insights from Developments in Wales (UK) Roche, R., et al. December 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Northeast Ocean Plan Northeast Regional Planning Body October 2016 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Estimating the Political, Economic and Environmental Factors' Impact on the Installed Wind Capacity Development: A System GMM Approach Biresselioglu, M., et al. October 2016 Journal Article Wind Energy general Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Coping with Uncertainty in Environmental Impact Assessments: Open Techniques Cardenas, I., Halman, J. September 2016 Journal Article Farfield Environment
Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms on North Sea Stratification Carpenter, J., et al. August 2016 Journal Article Offshore Wind Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Numerical Modelling of Wave Energy Converters: Environmental Impact Assessment Kregting, L., Elsäßer, B. June 2016 Book Chapter Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Potential Environmental Impact of Tidal Energy Extraction in the Pentland Firth at Large Spatial Scales: Results of a Biogeochemical Model van der Molen, J., Ruardij, P., Greenwood, N. May 2016 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Study on the Influence of the Distance to Shore for a Wave Energy Farm Operating in the Central Part of the Portuguese Nearshore Rusu, E., Onea, F. April 2016 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Numerical Evaluation of Marine Current Turbine: Impact on Environment and its Potential of Renewable Energy Utilization Kitazawa, D., Zhang, J. April 2016 Conference Paper Tidal Energy Removal Ecosystem, Farfield Environment
Hydrodynamic Response to Large Scale Tidal Energy Extraction Brown, A., Neill, S. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Surveying Marine Mammals in Nearby Tidal Energy Development Sites: a Comparison Benjamins, S., et al. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Static Device Farfield Environment, Marine Mammals
The Cumulative Impact of Tidal Stream Turbine Arrays on Sediment Transport in the Pentland Firth Fairley, I., Masters, I., Karunarathna, H. August 2015 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
TeraWatt Position Papers: A "Toolbox" of Methods to Better Understand and Assess the Effects of Tidal and Wave Energy Arrays on the Marine Environment Murray, R., et al. August 2015 Book Tidal, Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms - Part B: Description and Assessment of the Cumulative Effects of Implementing the Roadmap for Offshore Wind Power Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksoverheid) July 2015 Report Offshore Wind Farfield Environment
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms - Part A: Methods Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksoverheid) July 2015 Report Offshore Wind Farfield Environment
Integrating Ocean Wave Energy at Large-Scales: A Study of the US Pacific Northwest Parkinson, S., et al. April 2015 Journal Article Wave Farfield Environment
Tidal Resource Extraction in the Pentland Firth, UK: Potential Impacts on Flow Regime and Sediment Transport in the Inner Sound of Stroma Martin-Short, R., et al. April 2015 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Preliminary Assessment of Offshore Wind Development Impacts on Marine Ecosystems Huang, H., Hall, A. March 2015 Report Offshore Wind Static Device Farfield Environment
Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Tidal Stream Turbines on the Hydrodynamics and the Sediment Transport - Application to the Alderney Race (Raz Blanchard), France Thiébot, J., de Bois, P., Guillou, S. March 2015 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Are We Missing the Boat? Current Uses of Long-Term Biological Monitoring Data in the Evaluation and Management of Marine Protected Areas Addison, P., Flander, L., Cook, C. February 2015 Journal Article Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Session 1 Presentation - Wave Energy Converter Effects on Wave, Current, and Sediment Circulation: A Coupled Wave and Hydrodynamic Model of Santa Cruz, Monterey Bay, CA Jones, C., Chang, G., Roberts, J. January 2015 Presentation Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
On the Effect of Offshore Wind Farms on the Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics Ludewig, E. January 2015 Book Offshore Wind Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Influence of Large Offshore Wind Farms on the North Sea and Baltic Sea - A Comprehensive Literature Review Clark, S., Schroeder, F., Baschek, B. December 2014 Report Offshore Wind Energy Removal Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Impact of Tidal-Stream Arrays in Relation to the Natural Variability of Sedimentary Processes Robins, P., Neill, S., Lewis, M. December 2014 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Cumulative Adverse Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Development on Wildlife Goodale, W., Milman, A. November 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Farfield Environment
Ocean Networks Canada's Quasi Real-time Underwater Monitoring and Control Systems McLean, S., Pirenne, B. November 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Further Development and Testing of the EMEC Integrated Environmental Monitoring Platform Wragg, O. November 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Transporting Bulk Energy from a Grazing Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Facility Gilmore, E., Blohm, A., Sinsabaugh, S. November 2014 Journal Article OTEC Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Modelling the Far Field Hydro-Environmental Impacts of Tidal Farms - A Focus on Tidal Regime, Intertidal Zones and Flushing Nash, S., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Tidal Farfield Environment
Modeling Large Offshore Wind Farms Under Different Atmospheric Stability Regimes with the Park Wake Model Peña, A., Réthoré, P., Rathmann, O. October 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Farfield Environment
Wave Farm Impact: The Role of Farm-to-Coast Distance Iglesias, G., Carballo, R. September 2014 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Effects of a Severn Barrage on Wave Conditions in the Bristol Channel Fairley, I., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Demonstrating a New Framework for the Comparison of Environmental Impacts from Small- and Large-Scale Hydropower and Wind Power Projects Bakken, T., et al. July 2014 Journal Article Dynamic Device, Static Device Farfield Environment
Hydraulic Impacts of Hydrokinetic Devices Kartezhnikova, M., Ravens, T. June 2014 Journal Article Riverine Energy Removal Farfield Environment
A Geographical-Based Multi-Criteria Approach for Marine Energy Farm Planning Maslov, N., et al. May 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Static Device Farfield Environment
Modelling Changes to Physical Environmental Impacts Due to Wave Energy Array Layouts Smith, H., Ashton, I. May 2014 Presentation Wave Farfield Environment
The Implications of Wave-Tide Interactions in Marine Renewables Within the UK Continental Shelf Seas Hashemi, M., et al. May 2014 Presentation Farfield Environment
Analysis of the Impacts of Wave Energy Converter Arrays on the Nearshore Wave Climate O'Dea, A., Haller, M. April 2014 Conference Paper Wave Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Wave Farm Impact on the Beach Profile: A Case Study Abanades, J., Greaves, D., Iglesias, G. April 2014 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Long-Term, Global-Scale Statistics of Sound Propagation Cheinet, S. March 2014 Journal Article Noise Farfield Environment
Taming Hurricanes with Arrays of Offshore Wind Turbines Jacobson, M., Archer, C., Kempton, W. March 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Wind Energy: Increasing Deployment, Rising Environmental Concerns Tabassum-Abbasi, et al. March 2014 Journal Article Wind Energy general Energy Removal, Noise Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Assessing the Impact of Windfarms in Subtidal, Exposed Marine Areas Dahlgren, T., et al. February 2014 Book Chapter Offshore Wind Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Wave Energy Test Site Environmental Assessment: Marine Corps Base Hawaii Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) January 2014 Report Wave Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Coastal Impact Induced by a Pelamis Wave Farm Operating in the Portuguese Nearshore Rusu, E., Soares, C. October 2013 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Numerical Modelling of the Effect of Turbines on Currents in a Tidal Channel - Tory Channel, New Zealand Plew, D., Stevens, C. September 2013 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
On the Prediction of Pile Driving Induced Underwater Sound Pressure Levels Over Long Ranges Lippert, T., et al. July 2013 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Noise Farfield Environment
Impacts of a Wave Farm on Waves, Currents and Coastal Morphology in South West England Gonzalez-Santamaria, R., Zou, Q., Pan, S. June 2013 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Environmental Impact of a Wave Dragon Array Operating in the Black Sea Diaconu, S., Rusu, E. April 2013 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Influence of Varying Tidal Prism on Hydrodynamics and Sedimentary Processes in a Hypertidal Salt Marsh Creek O'Laughlin, C., van Proosdij, D. April 2013 Journal Article Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Modelling Potential Changes in Marine Biogeochemistry due to Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farms van der Molen, J., Rees, J., Limpenny, S. April 2013 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Project: 2012 Environmental Monitoring Report ORPC Maine LLC March 2013 Report Tidal Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat
Methodology for Tidal Turbine Representation in Ocean Circulation Model Roc, T., Conley, D., Greaves, D. March 2013 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Effects of Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Intertidal Ecosystems of the Minas Basin van Proosdij, D., et al. February 2013 Report Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Kyle Rhea Tidal Stream Array Environmental Statement: Non-Technical Summary Sea Generation Ltd January 2013 Report Tidal Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Socio-economics
Consequences of a Cumulative Perspective on Marine Environmental Impacts: Offshore Wind Farming and Seabirds at North Sea Scale in Context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Busch, M., et al. January 2013 Journal Article Offshore Wind Birds, Farfield Environment
Will Ocean Energy Harm Marine Ecosystems? Hammar L. January 2013 Research Study Annex IV Ocean Current, Tidal, Wave Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Partnership for Research In Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE) Zhang J., et al. January 2013 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Bats, Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Impacts of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, NS Smith, P., et al. January 2013 Report Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Assessing the Environmental Impact of Underwater Noise During Offshore Windfarm Construction and Operation Nedwell, J., et al. November 2012 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Noise Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat
Effects of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Systems on Near and Far Field Seawater Properties - A Case Study for Hawaii Jia, Y., Nihous, G., Richards, K. November 2012 Journal Article OTEC Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
The Biskay Marine Energy Platform (bimep), Environmental Impacts and Monitoring Plan Bald, J., et al. October 2012 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
A Vessel Noise Budget for Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington (USA) Bassett, C., et al. September 2012 Journal Article Noise Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Navigation
SNL-EFDC Simulations of MHK-Related Changes to Tidal Range and Flushing Roberts, J., James, S. September 2012 Report Marine Energy general Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Assessing the Far Field Effects of Tidal Power Extraction on the Bay of Fundy, Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf Sheng, J., et al. June 2012 Report Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Appropriateness of Existing Monitoring Studies for the Fundy Tidal Energy Project and Considerations for Monitoring Commercial Scale Scenarios Fisheries and Oceans Canada June 2012 Report Tidal Farfield Environment, Fish
Further Analysis Of Change In Nearshore Wave Climate Due To An Offshore Wave Farm: An Enhanced Case Study For The Wave Hub Site Smith, H., Pearce, C., Millar, D. April 2012 Journal Article Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
40MW Oyster Wave Array North West Coast, Isle of Lewis Environmental Statement Royal Haskoning March 2012 Report Wave Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Impact of Wave Energy Arrays on Beach Processes Neill, S., et al. February 2012 Presentation Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Far-Field Modelling of the Hydro-Environmental Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines Ahmadian, R., Falconer, R., Bockelmann-Evans, B. February 2012 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Wind Energy Development and its Environmental Impact: A Review Leung, D., Yang, Y. January 2012 Journal Article Offshore Wind Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Impacts of Large Scale Wave Energy Converter Arrays on the Regional Wave Climate Greenwood C., et al. January 2012 Research Study Annex IV Wave Energy Removal Farfield Environment
A Method for EIA Scoping of Wave Energy Converters - Based on Classification of the Used Technology Margheritini, L., Hansen, A., Frigaard, P. January 2012 Journal Article Wave Farfield Environment
Sub-Mesoscale Flow Regime Modeling and the Influence of Energy Extraction at a Tidal Energy Site Harris R. January 2012 Research Study Annex IV Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Effect of Tidal Power Generation on Sediment Transport in Muskeget Channel University of Massachusetts January 2012 Report Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
The Environmental Interactions of Tidal and Wave Energy Generation Devices Frid, C., et al. January 2012 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Static Device Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
National Status and Trends Data Portal Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment January 2012 Website Benthic Invertebrates, Farfield Environment
Impact of Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) Arrays on the Dynamics of Headland Sand Banks Neill, S., Jordan, J., Couch, S. January 2012 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Heading for an Understanding of Environmental Impacts Degraer, S., Brabant, R., Rumes, B. January 2012 Report Offshore Wind Energy Removal, Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Socio-economics
Verifying Marine-Hydro-Kinetic Energy Generation Simulations Using SNL-EFDC James, S., et al. December 2011 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Electricity Generation by the Ocean Thermal Energy Etemadi, A., et al. December 2011 Journal Article OTEC Chemicals, Energy Removal, Static Device Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Numerical Modeling of Tidal Currents and the Effects of Power Extraction on Estuarine Hydrodynamics Along the Georgia Coast, USA Defne, Z., Haas, K., Fritz, H. December 2011 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Pathways of Effects for Offshore Renewable Energy in Canada Isaacman, L., Daborn, G. December 2011 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Lighting, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Far-Field Effects of Tidal Energy Extraction in the Minas Passage on Tidal Circulation in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine Using a Nested-Grid Coastal Circulation Model Hasegawa, D., et al. November 2011 Journal Article Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Impact of Tidal Energy Converter (TEC) Array Operation on Sediment Dynamics Neill, S., Couch, S. September 2011 Conference Paper Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Cumulative Impact of Marine Renewable Energy Parscau, J. September 2011 Thesis Marine Energy general Static Device Farfield Environment
Final Environmental Assessment of Maine's Deepwater Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Testing and Demonstration Project US Department of Energy September 2011 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Screening Analysis for the Environmental Risk Evaluation System - Environmental Effects of MHK Energy Copping, A., et al. September 2011 Report Marine Energy general Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Assessment Of Tidal Energy Removal Impacts On Physical Systems: Development Of MHK Module And Analysis Of Effects On Hydrodynamics Yang, Z., Wang, T. September 2011 Report Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Screening Analysis for the Environmental Risk Evaluation System - Environmental Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Copping, A., Hanna, L. September 2011 Report Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Benthic Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Inch Cape Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement Inch Cape Offshore Limited June 2011 Report Offshore Wind Birds, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Effects of Localized Energy Extraction in an Idealized, Energetically Complete Numerical Model of an Ocean-Estuary Tidal System Kawase M., Gedney M. June 2011 Research Study Annex IV Tidal Energy Removal Benthic Invertebrates, Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat
Integrated Modeling of Flood Flows and Tidal Hydrodynamics over a Coastal Floodplain Yang, Z., et al. May 2011 Journal Article Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines on Sand Bank Dynamics Neill, S., Jordan, J., Couch, S. May 2011 Conference Paper Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment
Win-Win for Wind and Wildlife: A Vision to Facilitate Sustainable Development Kiesecker, J., et al. April 2011 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the National Marine Plan Baxter, J., et al. March 2011 Report Marine Energy general Chemicals, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise Farfield Environment, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Tidal Technologies: Key Issues Across Planning and Development for Environmental Regulators Bell, M., Side, J. March 2011 Report Wave, Tidal Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Farfield Environment, Socio-economics
Effect Of Tidal Stream Power Generation On The Region-wide Circulation In A Shallow Sea Shapiro, G. February 2011 Journal Article Riverine, Tidal Energy Removal Farfield Environment


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