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State and Utility Engagement Activities

AMO engages state / local / regional organizations and utilities to drive energy efficiency investments throughout the industrial sector. Partnerships and State Grants help develop local infrastructure and boost offerings to local manufacturers (such as outreach, training, and technical assistance). This collaborative approach creates a value-added chain of stakeholders who are committed to significantly improving industrial energy efficiency.

Resources for Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs at Utilities and the State / Local / Regional Level

Industrial energy efficiency programs across the United States can benefit from AMO activities. States, utilities, regulators, policymakers, vendors, suppliers, trade associations and other stakeholders can share AMO’s resources and support greater energy efficiency in the manufacturing sector.

Utilities  and energy efficiency program administrators can incorporate SEP into new or existing programs to help their industrial customers meet efficiency targets. DOE’s Ratepayer-funded Program Partners agree to work towards deployment of SEP to manufacturers across their service territories.

The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action Network) is a state- and local-led effort facilitated by DOE and the U.S. EPA to take energy efficiency to scale and achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency by 2020. AMO staff directly support the strategic planning and activities of the Industrial Energy Efficiency and Combined Heat and Power (IEE/CHP) Working Group, which is providing guidance on model programs and policies that support industrial efficiency and implementation of CHP.