Advanced Manufacturing Office

Manufacturing converts a wide range of raw materials, components, and parts into finished goods that meet market expectations. The Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) partners with industry, small business, universities, and other stakeholders to identify and invest in emerging technologies with the potential to create high-quality domestic manufacturing jobs and enhance the global competitiveness of the United States.

What We Do

We partner with industry, small business, universities, regional entities, and other stakeholders to identify and invest in emerging clean energy technologies. We establish collaborative communities focused on developing and commercializing targeted technologies; play a leadership role in the national interagency Advanced Manufacturing Partnership; and encourage a culture of continuous improvement in corporate energy management. Our investments have high impact, use project diversity to spread risk, target nationally important innovation at critical decision points, and contribute to quantifiable energy savings.

By reducing the life-cycle energy consumption of manufactured goods by 50 percent over 10 years, we will support the creation of high-quality domestic manufacturing jobs and enhance the competitiveness of the United States.

Why It Matters

Manufacturing converts a wide range of raw materials, components, and parts into finished goods that meet market expectations. Game changing investments in Advanced Manufacturing—efficient, productive, highly integrated, and tightly controlled processes—have the potential to fill the innovation gap between research and full "to scale" industrial production. As an end-use sector, manufacturing is the most diverse in the U.S. economy in terms of its energy sources, foundational technologies, and the products manufacturing produces. In 2012 (unless otherwise indicated), U.S. manufacturing was responsible for 12.5% [1] of GDP, direct employment for about 12 million people [1], and 70% [2] of all business R&D performed (in 2010 and 2011); and close to 75% [3] of U.S. exports of goods; production of 17% [4] of the world's manufacturing output, and 25% [5] of U.S. energy use.

1 U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Value Added by Industry, Gross Output by Industry, Intermediate Inputs by Industry, the Components of Value Added by Industry, and Employment by Industry (xls)
2 National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Business R&D Performance in the United States Increased in 2011 (pdf)
3 U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. US International Trade in Goods and Services December 2012 (pdf)
4 United Nations. National Accounts main Aggregates Database. GDP and its breakdown at current prices in US Dollars (xls)
5 U.S. Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Outlook. Residential, Commercial, & Industrial Demand Sector Data Tables