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Technology Innovation
BPA partners with electric utilities, nonprofits, research organizations, technology developers and universities across North America and even internationally in research with the potential to improve operations, solve challenges, increase efficiencies and avoid costs. Since 2005, BPA's 
Technology Innovation Office has implemented a disciplined research management approach that has led to an unprecedented level of success, including the build out of the largest synchrophasor network in North America; the helical connector shunt innovation, a BPA-engineered technology that can up-rate and extend the life of aging transmission lines; the support of a pilot program that boosted the adoption of ductless heat pumps in the region; and an industry-leading seismic mitigation program.

One key to BPA’s success is making a firm connection with the business and technology challenges facing the utility industry. Technology roadmaps capture the logic and business framework for research and development, and describe the specific BPA-related factors driving technology needs and identify the areas offering the greatest potential.
FY 2017 Funding Opportunity Announcement (closed)
BPA’s fiscal year 2017 Technology Innovation Funding Opportunity Announcement (BPA-0003602) closed in March. This announcement sought applications from all interested parties able to provide 50 percent cost share; including corporations, nonprofits, technology developers, utilities, universities and national labs. It may be viewed for reference through the BPA Exchange website.

Parties interested in the next funding opportunity should note that proposals ought to address any R&D program identified in BPA’s technology roadmaps and addendum(s) below. And a separate announcement will be available for BPA staff to submit applications.
Technology Roadmaps
BPA’s research agenda is guided by a process that identifies the agency’s immediate and future capability gaps and pinpoints technologies with the potential to resolve those business challenges. This process includes the development of technology roadmaps, which provide BPA a framework to help plan, coordinate and forecast technology developments so the agency can focus its R&D investments in areas that deliver the most value to the agency and its stakeholders.
​BPA's R&D Portfolio
BPA's Technology Innovation initiative includes an annual cycle of funding based on strategic needs identified in the agency’s technology roadmaps and yearly focus areas. In January, all projects in the portfolio are reviewed by a group of BPA and utility executives and experts known as the Technology Confirmation and Innovation Council. Then in March, a funding opportunity announcement is posted for new projects. The announcement is open from March to May. After technical reviews of the proposals, the TCI Council selects the projects for inclusion in the following fiscal year’s portfolio in late June. The projects, which span across various technologies, time horizons, risk/reward profiles, cost concerns and other needs, are expected to produce direct financial benefits to BPA, and through BPA, deliver value to the Northwest electric power system.

BPA selected research projects for fiscal year 2016 beginning Oct. 1, 2015. Technology Innovation's portfolio management program and list of projects are included below.