
Generic term that applies to all types of birds.


Birds (class Aves) are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised by feathers, a beak with no teeth, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a lightweight but strong skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5 cm (2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) ostrich. They rank as the class of tetrapods with the most living species, at approximately ten thousand, with more than half of these being passerines. Collision with wind turbine blades can kill birds, though the impact of individual deaths on the greater population varies greatly based on species. Reserach is exploring mitigation such as operation limitations, siting location, and lighting selection. Bird collisions with offshore wind turbines present the additional challenge of being unable to count bodies to determine the scale of mortality. Marine energy poses some threat to diving birds colliding with tidal turbines, or birds colliding with floating wave devices during adverse weather conditions. Birds are classified in the following categories:

Photo Credit: "Birds in sunset over water" by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Total Results: 640
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Bird Migration Intensity and Number of Collision Victims at the Wind Power Plant Le Peuchapatte (Switzerland) Aschwanden, J., Liechti, F. November 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Prognosis and Assessment of Bird Collision Risks at Wind Turbines in Northern Germany PROGRESS Grunkorn, T., et al. July 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Birds
Bird Migration Monitoring in the Saint Nikola Wind Farm, Kaliakra Region, in Autumn 2015, and an Analysis of Potential Impact after Six Years of Operation Zehtindjiev, P., Whitfield, D. July 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Birds
Guidelines for Conducting Bird and Bat Studies at Commercial Wind Energy Projects New York State Department of Environmental Conservation June 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Avian Interactions with Energy Infrastructure in the Context of Other Anthropogenic Threats Loss, S. May 2016 Journal Article Birds
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Wintering Sandhill Crane Exposure to Wind Energy Development in the Central and Southern Great Plains, USA Pearse, A., Brandt, D., Krapu, G. April 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Mitigating Wind Energy Impacts on Wildlife: Approaches for Multiple Taxa Arnett, E., May, R. April 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Environmental Interview: Wind Power, Birds and Bats Green, M., Rydell, J. March 2016 Video Wind Energy general Bats, Birds
The Use of an Unsupervised Learning Approach for Characterizing Latent Behaviors in Accelerometer Data Chimienti, M., et al. February 2016 Journal Article Birds
Avian Collision Risk Models for Wind Energy Impact Assessments Masden, E., Cook, A. January 2016 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device Birds
A Self-Contained Subsea Platform for Acoustic Monitoring of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments at Wave and Tidal Energy Sites in Orkney, Scotland Williamson, B., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Synopsis des internationalen Kenntnisstandes zum Einfluss der Windenergie auf Fledermäuse und Vögel und Spezifizierung für die Schweiz Muller, J., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Ökobilanzierung von Schweizer Windenergie Eymann, L., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Birds, Socio-economics
Acoustic Indices for Biodiversity Assessments: Analyses of Bias Based on Simulated Bird Assemblages and Recommendations for Field Surveys Gasc, A., et al. November 2015 Journal Article Birds, Ecosystem
A Unifying Framework for the Underlying Mechanisms of Avian Avoidance of Wind Turbines May, R. October 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Static Device Birds
Continuation Implementation Masterplan Wind at Sea Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksoverheid), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Rijkwaterstaat) September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise, Static Device Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Developing an Avian Collision Risk Model to Incorporate Variability and Uncertainty Masden, E. September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Impacts of Wind Energy on Environment: A Review Wang, S., Wang, S. September 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Symbiotic Offshore Energy Harvesting and Storage Systems Slocum, A. September 2015 Journal Article Wave, Offshore Wind Birds
Investigating the Potential Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Developments on Seabirds Wade, H. September 2015 Thesis Marine Energy general Birds
Confusion Reigns? A Review of Marine Megafauna Interactions with Tidal-Stream Environments Benjamins, S., et al. August 2015 Book Chapter Tidal Birds, Marine Mammals
Consolidating the State of Knowledge: A Synoptical Review of Wind Energy's Wildlife Effects Schuster, E., Bulling, L., Köppel, J. August 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Bats, Birds, Marine Mammals
Evaluation of the Impact of Wind Farms on Birds: The Case Study of Lebanon Al Zohbi, G., Hendrick, P., Bouillard, P. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
ACME: A Partially Periodic Estimator of Avian & Chiropteran Mortality at Wind Turbines Wolpert, R. July 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
MR7.2.1 Collision Risk: A Brief Review of Available Information on Behaviour of Mammals and Birds in High Tidal Energy Areas Onoufriou, J., Thompson, D. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
Estimating Wind-Turbine Caused Bird and Bat Fatality when Zero Carcasses are Observed Huso, M., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Moving Towards Best Practice for Bird Mortality Mitigation in Wind Power Planning, Sweden McNally, R. May 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Birds
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Bat and Bird Detection of the DTBat and DTBird Systems at Calandawind Turbine - Final Report Hanagasioglu, M., et al. May 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Preliminary Methodology to Assess the National and Regional Impact of U.S. Wind Energy Development on Birds and Bats Diffendorfer, J., et al. May 2015 Report Wind Energy general Bats, Birds
Survey of Beached Birds and Mammals: Sao Jãcinto - Torreira (Portugal) - March 2014 to March 2015 van Nus, T., Moreira, P. May 2015 Report Offshore Wind Birds, Marine Mammals
Responses of Male Greater Prairie-Chickens to Wind Energy Development Winder, V., et al. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Migration of Franklin's Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) and its Variable Annual Risk from Wind Power Facilities Across the Tehuantepec Isthmus Villegas-Patraca, R., Herrera-Alsina, L. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Reprioritizing Avian Conservation Efforts DeVault, T. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Insufficient Sampling to Identify Species Affected by Turbine Collisions Beston, J., Diffendorfer, J., Loss, S. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Proceedings of the Wind-Wildlife Research Meeting X American Wind Wildlife Institute April 2015 Conference Paper Wind Energy general Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Ecological Impacts of Wind Farms on Birds: Questions, Hypotheses, and Research Needs Wang, S., Wang, S., Smith, P. April 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device Birds
Design and Testing of an Integrated Wildlife-Wind Turbine Interactions Detection System Flowers, J. March 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Estimates and Correlates of Bird and Bat Mortality at Small Wind Turbine Sites Minderman, J., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Beware the Boojum: Caveats and Strengths of Avian Radar Beason, R., Nohara, T., Weber, P. March 2015 Journal Article Birds
Analysis of Wind Farm Effects on the Surrounding Environment: Assessing Population Trends of Breeding Passerines Garcia, D., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Deriving an Avoidance Rate for Swans Suitable for Onshore Wind Farm Collision Risk Modelling Whitfield, D., Urquhart, B. February 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Mitigating Wind-Turbine Induced Avian Mortality: Sensory, Aerodynamic and Cognitive Constraints and Options May, R., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Bird Sensitivity Mapping for Wind Energy Developments and Associated Infrastructure in the Republic of Ireland McGuiness, S., et al. February 2015 Report Wind Energy general Birds
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms: A First Approach to Deal with Cumulative Effects on Birds and Bats of Offshore Wind Farms and Other Human Activities in the Southern North Sea Leopold, M., et al. January 2015 Report Offshore Wind Bats, Birds
First Year Post-Construction Monitoring of Bats and Birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Østerild Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Renewable Energy Developments in an Uncertain World: The Case of Offshore Wind and Birds in the UK Masden, E., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Birds
Birds and Wind-Energy Best-Practice Guidelines: Best-Practice Guidelines for Assessing and Monitoring the Impact of Wind Energy Facilities on Birds in Southern Africa Jenkins, A., et al. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) Polagye B., et al. January 2015 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
First Year Post-Construction Monitoring of Bats and Birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Bicknell's Thrush: An Endangered Migrant in a Recovering Landscape McIntyre, E., Riordan, J. January 2015 Report Birds
Biodiversity & Wind Energy: A Bird's and Bat's Perspective Mascarenhas, M., et al. January 2015 Book Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Pelagic Seabirds off the East Coast of the United States 2008-2013 Veit, R., et al. January 2015 Report Birds
Results and Analysis of Eagle Studies from the Bluff Point and Studland Bay Wind Farms 2002-2012 Hull, C., et al. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Observations from the Use of Dogs to Undertake Carcass Searches at Wind Facilities in Australia Bennett, E. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Animal Reactions to Oncoming Vehicles: A Conceptual Review Lima, S., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
Assessing the Influence of Wind Turbines and Land-use on Mortality Risk of Avian Species on the Llano Estacado with Emphasis on Birds of Prey Linner, K. December 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Common Raven Occurrence in Relation to Energy Transmission Line Corridors Transiting Human-Altered Sagebrush Steppe Coates, P., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Nest Survival of Red-Winged Blackbirds in Agricultural Areas Developed for Wind Energy Gillespie, M., Dinsmore, S. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
An Evaluation of the Use of Shore-Based Surveys for Estimating Spatial Overlap between Deep-Diving Seabirds and Tidal Stream Turbines Waggitt, J., Bell, P., Scott, B. December 2014 Journal Article Tidal Birds
Study of the Wildlife of Jhampir Wind Corridor, District Thatta, Sindh and Development of Bird Monitoring Strategy in the Area Ghalib, S., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Understanding Bird Collisions at Wind Farms: An Updated Review on the Causes and Possible Mitigation Strategies Marques, A., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Warning Sounds and Color for Reducing Bird and Bat Mortality at Wind Turbines Khan, S. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Wind and Wildlife Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Predicting the Weather-Dependent Collision Risk for Birds at Wind Farms Skov, H., Heinänen, S. October 2014 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Evidence of Negative Effects of Anthropogenic Structures on Wildlife: A Review of Grouse Survival and Behaviour Hovick, T., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
A Special Purpose: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Wind Energy Rose, R. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds, Socio-economics
Effect of Wind Turbine Proximity on Nesting Success in Shrub-nesting Birds Bennett, V., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) Movements at Sea in Relation to Marine Renewable Energy Developments Wade, H., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Birds
What Flight Heights Tell Us About Foraging and Potential Conflicts with Wind Farms: A Case Study in Lesser Black-Backed Gulls (Larus fuscus) Corman, A., Garthe, S. October 2014 Journal Article Wind Energy general Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
A Comprehensive Analysis of Small-Passerine Fatalities from Collision with Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities Erickson, W., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Assessing Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future Bailey, H., Brookes, K., Thompson, P. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Noise Birds, Ecosystem, Marine Mammals
Mapping Seabird Sensitivity to Offshore Wind Farms Bradbury, G., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Implications for Offshore Wind Farm Ornithological Cumulative Impact Assessment: How the Manipulation of Density and Breeding Season Parameters Affects the Outcomes of Collision Risk Modelling Tongue, A. September 2014 Thesis Offshore Wind Birds
Historical Challenges of Wind Energy/Wildlife Interactions: How This May Affect Distributed Wind Sinclair, K. August 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Assessing Bat and Bird Fatality Risk at Wind Farm Sites using Acoustic Detectors Heist, K. August 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
No Evidence of Displacement due to Wind Turbines in Breeding Grassland Songbirds Hale, A., et al. August 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
EMEC Fall of Warness Test Site: Environmental Appraisal European Marine Energy Centre August 2014 Report Tidal Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Avoidance behaviour of birds around offshore wind farms: Overview of knowledge including effects of configuration Krijgsveld, K. July 2014 Report Offshore Wind Static Device Birds
Home Range and Resource Selection by GPS-Monitored Adult Golden Eagles in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion: Implications for Wind Power Development Watson, J., Duff, A., Davies, R. July 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
A Historical Perspective of Wind-Wildlife Challenges: How this May Affect Distributed Wind Sinclair, K. July 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Static Device Bats, Birds
Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Feasibility Assessment Boezaart, A., et al. June 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Bats, Birds, Socio-economics
Fuzzy Clustering in Avian Infrared Imagery Application Mirzaei, G., et al. June 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Wind Turbine Bird Strike Prevention System Method and Apparatus Piesinger, G. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Avian and Bat Survey Protocols For Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems in Minnesota Mixon, K., et al. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Searches for Dead Birds in Smøla Wind-Power Plant Area 2011-2013 Reitan, O. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Repowing Draft Program Environmental Impact Report Alameda County Community Development Agency June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Noise, Static Device Birds, Socio-economics
Lalamilo Wind Farm Repowering Project: Draft Environmental Assessment Tetra Tech, Inc. June 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Wind Farms Threaten Southern Africa's Cliff-Nesting Vultures Rushworth, I., Kruger, S. May 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Grande Prairie Wind Farm Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy Stantec Consulting Services May 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Statistical Modelling of Seabird and Cetacean Data: Literature Review Oedekoven, C., et al. May 2014 Report Birds, Marine Mammals
Final Site-Wide Environmental Assessment Department of Energy's National Wind Technology Center Golden, Colorado at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Renewable Energy Laboratory May 2014 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Integrating Aerial and Ship Surveys of Marine Birds into a Combined Density Surface Model: A Case Study of Wintering Common Loons Winiarski, K., et al. May 2014 Journal Article Birds
EMEC Billia Croo Wave Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report Marine Scotland May 2014 Report Wave Birds, Marine Mammals
EMEC Fall of Warness Tidal Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report Marine Scotland May 2014 Report Tidal Birds, Marine Mammals
A Combination of Empirical and Modelled Datasets Reveals Associations between Deep Diving Seabirds and Oceanographical Processes at Fine Spatiotemporal Scales in a High Energy Habitat Waggitt, J., et al. April 2014 Presentation Birds
Design and Initial Component Tests of an Integrated Avian and Bat Collision Detection System for Offshore Wind Turbines Flowers, J., et al. April 2014 Conference Paper Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Review of Environmental Data Associated with Post-Consent Monitoring of Licence Conditions of Offshore Wind Farms Marine Management Organisation April 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Fish, Marine Mammals


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