NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Brain Initiatives Generate Tsunami of Neuroscience Data

Around the world 'Brain Initiatives' are generating a tsunami of neuroscience data. But without a coherent strategy to analyze, manage and understand the data, advancements in the field will be limited. That's why an international team of interdisciplinary researchers, including NERSC staff, are offering a plan to manage it. » Read More

Cori No. 5 of TOP500

NERSC's flagship Cori is the world's 5th fastest supercomputer, according to the new TOP500 list released at the Supercomputing 2016 conference. » Read More

Toward Multiscale Modeling of Photovoltaics at Nanoscale

Advances in ultrafast spectroscopy and HPC are revolutionizing our ability to study the physical processes that occur in solar cells at short length and time scales. » Read More

The Incredible Shrinking Particle Accelerator

Particle accelerators are on the verge of transformational breakthroughs—and advances in computing power and techniques are a big part of the reason. » Read More

Berkeley Lab Partners on 5 New HPC4Mfg Projects

DOE’s High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program has announced $3.8 million in funding for 13 new industry projects in the second round of the HPC4Mfg program, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been selected to partner with five of the new projects. » Read More

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Computing at NERSC

Now Computing

A small sample of massively parallel scientific computing jobs running right now at NERSC.

Project Machine Nodes NERSC Hours Used
Wall-Resolved Large Eddy Simulations of Transonic Shock-Induced Flow Separation
 PI: Mujeeb Malik, NASA Langley Research Center
Edison 1,666
Multiscale Methods for Accurate, Efficient, and Scale-Aware Models of the Earth System
 PI: William D. Collins, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Cori KNL 1,350
Global Radiation Hydrodynamic Simulations of Massive Star Envelope
 PI: Yanfei Jiang, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Edison 715
QCD Thermodynamics at High Temperature
 PI: Alexei Bazavov, Brookhaven National Lab
Edison 683
Domain Wall Fermions and Highly Improved Staggered Quarks for Lattice QCD
 PI: Norman H. Christ, Columbia University
Cori KNL 512
Domain Wall Fermions and Highly Improved Staggered Quarks for Lattice QCD
 PI: Norman H. Christ, Columbia University
Cori KNL 512

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HPC Transforms Cosmology

NERSC's Debbie Bard blogs about the role of HPC in advancing our understanding of the universe in Scientific Computing magazine.