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​Customer Comments

DERBS Comments
The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for feedback on the rate design alternatives for BPA's Dispatchable Energy Resource Balancing Service (DERBS) rate presented at the August 24, 2016 BP-18 Generation Inputs Workshop.
BP-18 Rate Case - August 10, 2016 Workshop Topics Comments


BP-18 Power Rates - August 9, 2016 Workshop Topics Comments

The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's presentation and PNGC's presentation. 
BP-18 Transmission Rates - Draft Southern Intertie Rates Comments
The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for feedback on the Draft BP-18 Rates Model for the Initial Proposal that staff presented at the July 27, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates Rates Workshop.
Comments on Franklin PUD's Short Distance Discount Proposal
The following comments were submitted in response to Franklin PUD's Point-to-Point Short Distance Discount proposal presented at the July 27, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates Rates Workshop.
DERBS Sub-team Feedback
The following comments were submitted by the DERBS sub-team members in response to BPA's request for feedback on the possibility of moving to nameplate for the DERBS billing determinant.
NT Load Forecast Comments
The following comments were submitted in response to the NT Load Forecast discussion at the 
June 29, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates Workshop.  


Unauthorized Increase Charge Comments
The following comments were submitted in response to the Unauthroized Increase Charge discussion at the June 29, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates Workshop.  
BP-18 Transmssion Rates - Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm Rate Comment Period for June 3, 2016
The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for feedback on the IS HNF staff leanings for the BP-18 Initial Proposal, presented at the May 24, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates workshops.
BP-18 Transmssion Rates - Load Forecast for NT Cost Allocation Comment Period for June 3, 2016
The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for feedback on which load forecast should be used for the NT cost allocation, presented at the May 6, 2016 and May 24, 2016 BP-18 Transmission Rates workshops.
Comments on Generation Inputs
Comments on the Snohomish PUD Error Correction Process Straw Proposal
The following comments were submitted to BPA in response to Snohomish PUD's request for feedback on their Error Correction Process Straw Proposal presented at the BP-18 Transmission Rates Workshop on May 6, 2016.
BP-18 Transmission Rates - Comment Period for May 6, 2016
The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for feedback on the proposed Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm rate methodology and other rate considerations presented at the BP-18 Rate Case Workshop on April 20, 2016.


BP-18 Rate Case Parking Lot Issues

The following comments were submitted in response to BPA's request for power and transmission rate topics customers would like to discuss during BP-18 Rate Case workshops. 


Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm Workshop Comment Period for Jan. 22, 2016

The following were submitted in response to BPA's request for customers' evaluations of alternatives based on criteria and principles outlined in the draft White Paper (version 2), and considerations in support of and in opposition to alternatives.

​Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm Workshop Comment Period for Dec. 4, 2015

The following were submitted in response to BPA's request for customer feedback on the Introduction, Background, and Alternative Description sections of the draft White Paper (version 1).

​Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm Workshop Comment Period for Oct. 28, 2015

The following were submitted in response to BPA's request for customers' top three and bottom three proposed alternatives.

​Southern Intertie Hourly Non-Firm Workshop Comment Period for Oct. 9, 2015

The following were submitted in response to BPA's request for comments on the proposed IS HNF issue statement as described in BPA's workshop presentation on Sept. 29, 2015, and BPA's request for rate and/or non-rate proposals to address the IS HNF issue.