Metacarcinus_121 Cbrat_header Sebastes_13258

CBRAT is an ecoinformatics platform synthesizing the biogeographic distributions, abundances, life history attributes, and environmental tolerances of near-coastal invertebrates and fishes to 200 m depth at an ecoregion scale. The current version includes all the true crabs (367 species), king crabs (21 species) and rockfish (74 species) that occur from the Gulf of California through the Beaufort Sea. The ultimate objective of CBRAT is as a risk-assessment tool to automatically calculate the relative vulnerability of each species to climate change based on a suite of biotic traits and tolerances. This functionality is not currently implemented, but should be available within the next year.

Click on Darwin or on one of the tabs on the top of the page to begin your voyage into CBRAT. Experts interested in reviewing or adding data need to request a sign in by clicking on the Sign Up link.

Corynactis Spondylus_225021
Ampelisca_23 Henricia