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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Energy Projects

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Hydropower Administration & Compliance

Hydropower Administration and Compliance is responsible for case management and Commission order preparation for the following workload items:

  • Conduit exemptions
  • Declaratory orders
  • License amendments
  • Jurisdictional determinations
  • Federal lands
  • Headwater benefits
  • Compliance (including audits and environmental inspections)
  • Penalties
  • License surrender
  • Transfer of licenses
  • Post-licensing non-compliance issues

The Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance ensures compliance with Licenses and Exemptions to protect and enhance beneficial public uses of hydropower projects.

Four Branches of the Division and their respective assignments:

Aquatic Resources Branch Land Resources Branch
T.J. LoVullo, Chief
Aquatic Resources Branch
Telephone: 202-502-8900
Robert Fletcher, Chief
Land Resources Branch
Telephone: 202-502-8901
Areas of responsibilities:
  • Operations Plans
  • Fish Passage Plans
  • Water Quality Plans
  • Aquatic Habitat Plans
  • Fish Resources Plans
  • Endangered Species Plans
  • Noxious Species Plans
  • Wetland Plans
Areas of responsibilities:
  • Cultural Resources
  • Recreation Whitewater Flows
  • Visual Resources
  • Terrestrial Endangered and Threatened Species
  • Non-project use of Project Lands and Waters
  • Shoreline Management Plans
  • Riparian Vegetation Plans
  • Wildlife Plans
  • Acquiring Title and Fee/Property Rights (Article 5)
Environmental and Project Review Branch Engineering Resources Branch
Steve Hocking, Chief
Environmental and Project Review Branch
Telephone: 202-502-8753
Kelly Houff, Chief
Engineering Resources Branch
Telephone: 202-502-6393
Areas of responsibilities:
  • Capacity Related Amendments
  • NEPA Analysis with EIS/EA Documents
  • Environmental Analysis and Support
  • Renewable Energy Tax Credit Guidelines Pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 2005
  • Jurisdictional Determination
  • Surrenders
  • Non-operating projects
  • Penalties
Areas of responsibilities:
  • Gauging Plans
  • Reservoir Erosion
  • Non-Capacity Related Amendments
  • Headwater Benefits
  • Conduit Exemptions
  • Reservoir Levels
  • Mining/Federal Land Review
  • License Exhibits / Project Boundary
  • Annual Charges for Federal Lands