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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Energy Market Regulation

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Pipeline Regulation

Analyze a variety of natural gas and oil pipeline filings related to the rates, terms and conditions of transportation by natural gas and oil pipeline companies.

Review and evaluate rates and tariffs of natural gas pipeline and storage companies to ensure conformance with NGA and NGPA standards.

Evaluate and provide expert technical advice to the Commission to assist in making recommendations on natural gas and oil rate proceedings, initial decisions, rehearing, complaints and declaratory orders.

Monitor natural gas and oil pipeline performance for compliance with various rules and initiatives, especially under Order Nos. 636 series and 637.

Perform depreciation studies for crude oil and petroleum pipelines and make recommendations.

Make recommendations pertaining to cost of service, rates, of return, depreciation, cost allocation and rate design related to certificate proceedings under Section 7 of NGA.