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INFOGRAPHIC: Better Buildings Leading to Big Energy Savings

May 11, 2016 - 12:35pm


Better Buildings partners have saved more than $1.3 billion on energy costs. Our new infographic explains how Better Buildings works and why it’s important. | Graphic by <a href="/node/1332956">Carly Wilkins</a>, Energy Department

Better Buildings partners have saved more than $1.3 billion on energy costs. Our new infographic explains how Better Buildings works and why it’s important. | Graphic by Carly Wilkins, Energy Department

Buildings use a lot of energy. For example, commercial buildings and manufacturing plants account for about half of the energy used and more than 40 percent of all carbon emissions in the United States. That’s a big problem -- but fortunately, efforts like the Energy Department’s Better Buildings Initiative, a public-private partnership involving 750 organizations to make buildings throughout the country more energy efficient, work to provide solutions.

The Better Buildings Challenge, part of the larger initiative that started in 2011, is a commitment by industry leaders to make buildings 20 percent more energy efficient over 10 years. The results are pretty incredible so far: organizations have saved more than $1.3 billion on energy costs.

One reason why Better Buildings has been so successful is that partners share energy savings strategies so that other organizations can follow suit. These can be found at the Better Buildings Solution Center, a great resource for any organization looking to save energy.  

Check out our infographic above to learn more about how Better Buildings works and why it’s important. You can also see the impact of Better Buildings through our latest interactive map (below), which shows the number of buildings and energy savings in each state.


