Marine Mammal Protection Act Section 120 Authorization

We have authorized the states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho to lethally remove individually identifiable California Sea Lions in the vicinity of Bonneville Dam that are having a negative impact on the recovery of salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act.

June 2016 

News Release

Letter of Authorization

Sea Lion Task Force

      - Final Facilitators Summary

      - Final Report & Recommendations

Supplemental Biological Opinion

Response to public comments

Supplemental Environmental Assessment


Federal Register - 81FR44298

State's January 27, 2016, letter and application to extend the NMFS' 2012 Letter of Authorization:

    - States' Letter and Application

    - NMFS' response to the States' application

   - Federal Register - 81FR17141

    - Pinniped-Fishery Interaction Task Force to reconvene