Monitor Monitoring Inventory

photo of monitor wreck and diver

The monitoring projects in the following inventory take place in or around the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. Projects are conducted by either Sanctuary staff or by our partners. Summary information is presented for each.

For more information about the monitoring activities at Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, please click here, and review the Sanctuary Condition Report.

Contact the research coordinator at the Sanctuary for additional information.

USS Monitor Observations and Assessments

Lead Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Objective Document the wreck in detail and characterize how it is affected by natural deterioration and human activities.

Method Diver observations, remotely operated vehicle and autonomous underwater vehicle observations, remote sensing technology, photo and video technology.

Status Duration Frequency
Active 1977 - present Multiple times per year

Partners The Mariners' MuseumGraveyard of the Atlantic Museum,North Carolina AquariumNauticusHampton Roads Naval MuseumNorth Carolina Maritime MuseumNOAA Ocean Exploration, the United States Navy, National Undersea Research Center
Keyword(s) monitor, shipwrecks, deterioration

Battle of the Atlantic

Lead Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Objective Monitoring and characterization of Battle of the Atlantic shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina. Site surveys and corrosion studies are conducted to assess degradation to wreck sites due to environmental and human factors and to evaluate site significance.

Method Diver observations, archaeological surveys, remotely operated vehicle and autonomous underwater vehicle observations, remote sensing technology, photo and video technology

Status Duration Frequency
Active, pending funding 2008 - present Annual (summer data collection)

Partners Maritime Heritage Program, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the National Park Service, East Carolina University, the University of North Carolina Coastal Studies Institute, the state of North Carolina, the Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology, Advanced Underwater Surveys LLC
Keyword(s) shipwrecks, maritime heritage, World War II, North Carolina

Biological Assessments of North Carolina Shipwrecks

Lead Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Objective Collect baseline data on the biological communities found on and around shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina. The surveys will be used to monitor changes in the communities over time, study the shipwreck sites as artificial habitat, and compare this habitat to the natural hard bottom habitats found off the coast of North Carolina.

Method Fish and invertebrate surveys conducted by divers, fisheries acoustic surveys, photo and video technology.

Status Duration Frequency
Inactive, pending funding 2010 - 2011 Annual (summer data collection)

Partners NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, the University of North Carolina Coastal Studies Institute, the Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology
Keyword(s) shipwrecks, fish, invertebrates, WWII, North Carolina, artificial reef

NOAA Data Buoy

Lead NOAA National Buoy Data Center
Objective NOAA's National Buoy Data Center operates a buoy located in the MNMS that collects and archives data on the following variables: wind, waves, air and water temperature.

Method In situ buoy with live data feeds. Web-accessible.

Status Duration Frequency
Active 2006 - present Continuous (real-time)

Partners Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
Keyword(s) wind, wave, air temperature, water temperature, buoy, North Carolina