Citizen's Guide to BOEM's Renewable Energy Authorization Process


Contacts: John Romero
(805) 384-6324

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is pleased to announce the availability of a new online resource that offers a public-friendly overview of the bureau’s renewable energy authority. The Citizen’s Guide to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Renewable Energy Authorization Process outlines BOEM’s process for overseeing renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf and highlights public participation opportunities in an easy-to-follow narrative and flow chart format. The guide is available at http//

BOEM developed the Citizen’s Guide in response to the increased interest in the development of marine energy projects using wind, wave, and ocean current technologies. We hope the new guide is useful in both understanding and participating in the BOEM renewable energy process.

For additional information on BOEM renewable energy programs, go to