BOEM Public Meetings on Oil and Gas Leasing Program Being Rescheduled to Accommodate Increased Stakeholder Participation


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is holding meetings to seek public input on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement that analyzes potential impacts of oil and gas activities that could result from lease sales scheduled in the 2017-2022 Five Year Program for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing.

Public meetings provide an opportunity for people to learn more about the Five Year Program and the potential impacts of oil and gas leasing. Attendees can have one-on-one conversations with BOEM scientists, researchers and other staff to ask questions and share information. Attendees can also provide comments for the record at the meetings. Comments can also be submitted at

Due to significant public interest in the development of the Five Year Program, some meetings are being rescheduled in order to accommodate a larger anticipated number of attendees.

The following meetings were originally scheduled for:
Washington, DC – April 4th
Houston, TX – April 12th
New Orleans, LA – April 14th

The meetings will be rescheduled within the month of April; information about locations, dates, and times will be provided in a Federal Register Notice as well as through BOEM’s website and additional outreach. The comment period on the Draft Programmatic EIS extends through May 2, 2016.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause members of the public and hope the communities understand our desire to provide the best opportunities for people to participate in our process.