Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program Management Office


Navy Conveys 1,646 Acres at NSRR for Aviation Purposes: CEIBA, Puerto Rico -- On February 8th, 2008, the Department of the Navy successfully completed the transfer of ownership of the airfield operations property at the former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, to the Port Authority of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The transfer was completed via a no-cost Public Benefit Conveyance between the Navy and the Port Authority. The Roosevelt Roads airfield Public Benefit Conveyance is recognized as a significant step in the continuation of the Navy’s efforts toward the disposition of the former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads property. Nestled into a valley surrounded by the coastal mountains to the north and the Delicias Hills to the south, the airfield operations property totals about 1,646 acres and includes both helipads and runways, the largest of which is an 11,000 foot main runway, designed and built to service virtually any type of commercial and private jet aircraft. The land transfers by the Navy along with the planned future redevelopment efforts at the former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads are seen by many as potential key contributors to the future economic development of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, particularly in the eastern sector of the island.

Public Sale of Novato Housing: NAVATO, Calif. -- On January 29, 2008, the 10 U.S.C. 2869 Land Exchange project at the former Department of Defense Housing Facility, Novato, California was successfully completed. On 15 January 2008, BRAC PMO closed escrow for the conveyance of 1.65-acre property at Novato. The property was auctioned for $800,000 in September 2007. In place of a direct cash payment, the property was conveyed in exchange for Restrictive Use Easements at Naval Air Station Fallon acquired by the Winning Bidder and naming the United States of America as Grantee. The easement acquisition process was completed in December 2007. The Novato Land Exchange project has resulted in a "Win-Win-Win-Win" situation for all parties involved -- NAS Fallon received three easements over substantial parcels of real property, BRAC PMO completed the disposal of a property, the Winning Bidder puts underutilized property to a beneficial use, and the city and local community gain property on the tax rolls.

Going! Going! Gone! Orlando Tradeport at NTC Orlando, FL: Orlando Tradeport Online Auction for the 177-acre golf course at the former NTC Orlando closed Friday, November 19, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. (EST) for $2.3 million. Documents to facilitate the completion of the property's sale are being finalized.

The Navy to conduct structural analysis of Hangar 1 at former NAS Moffett Field: SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- The U.S. Navy Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program Management Office West will conduct a structural analysis of Hangar 1 at former Naval Air Station Moffett Field. The structural analysis will determine the integrity of the hangar’s structural steel, which will aid in the evaluation of several alternatives being evaluated in the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA). Results of the structural analysis will be incorporated into the EE/CA. While a structural analysis is traditionally conducted during the pre-design phase of an environmental restoration project (post EE/CA), the Navy feels that conducting a structural analysis at this time will provide valuable information that is needed to make a sound evaluation of several alternatives to determine if they would be feasible if selected. Because the Navy is adding the structural analysis to the EE/CA, release of the document will be after the analysis is complete, rather than December 2007 as previously planned. The EE/CA’s release is not anticipated to delay the implementation schedule of the cleanup action. At the upcoming January 10th Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting, the Navy will provide an update on the structural analysis and the anticipated release date of the EE/CA. A public meeting to accept oral comments on the EE/CA will be scheduled within the public comment period following the EE/CA release. Community members will be notified of the EE/CA release and public meeting dates when they are available. For more information about Hangar 1 and the environmental restoration program at Moffett Field, please contact Mr. Darren Newton, the Navy’s BRAC Environmental Coordinator, at 619-532-0963 or

Naval Station Pascagoula reverts to State of Mississippi: PASCAGOULA, Miss. -- After more than 12 months of teamwork between the Secretary of the State of Mississippi's Office and the Navy, ownership of Naval Station Pascagoula (known to the local community as Singing River Island) returned to the State of Mississippi on June 1, 2007. Navy representatives from BRAC Program Management Office, Naval Station Pascagoula, Navy Region Southeast, Fleet Forces Command, Commander Navy Installations Command, Resident Officer in Charge of Construction Gulfport and Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast collaborated with representatives from the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office, Jackson County Economic Development Foundation (Local Redevelopment Authority- LRA) and the Office of Economic Adjustment to work through various issues and concerns to expedite the conveyance of this property. This conveyance via reversion of approximately 528 acres of land with 75 buildings is the first major Navy property disposal for the 2005 round of base closures. The 2005 BRAC law slated Naval Station Pascagoula for closure. Naval Station Pascagoula was composed of three (3) non-contiguous parcels of property: Singing River Island, Lakeside Manor and Sand Hill Family Housing. Singing River Island represents the majority of the property and was acquired from the State of Mississippi with the stipulation that once it was no longer required by the Navy for a Homeport or related facilities, the island would automatically revert to the State of Mississippi. In September 2006, Hurricane Katrina left significant water, roof and pier damage to the facilities on the installation. Most of the damage was repaired; however, some of the roof repairs were temporary and began to fail prior to conveyance. The State of Mississippi was greatly concerned about the condition of the facilities on the property post Hurricane Katrina as well as personal property inventory and utility costs as they were to assume ownership at the time of reversion. Although the Navy's mission on the island was complete November 2006, the reversion was delayed to allow additional repairs to be made to ensure weather tight facilities. These additional repairs totaled $1.9M. In close communication with the State's representatives, the Navy drafted a scope of work for the repairs and provided a copy to the State prior to contract award. The contract was awarded February 2007 with an aggressive schedule that was completed May 2007, ahead of schedule. An Environmental Condition of Property was completed August 2006 and was provided to the State's representatives. There were no environmental issues regarding hazardous wastes nor installation restoration as this installation became operational in 1992. Air Force will take ownership of Sand Hill Family Housing on October 1, 2007 via federal agency transfer. Disposal of Lakeside Manor is pending.



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