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Meet the Women Leading the Clean Energy Revolution

May 4, 2016 - 10:00am


There is no such thing as “it can’t be done.” The improbable will take extra effort. - C3E Ambassador, Alla Weinstein           

From the so-called Calutron Girls who ran the cyclotron at Oak Ridge during the Manhattan Project to Hungarian biophysicist Maria Telkes who built the very first 100 percent solar house, women have played an important role in energy innovation in the United States and around the world. Yet, women’s roles in energy and scientific discovery often go unrecognized.

But not at the C3E Symposium.

C3E -- the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Initiative -- was created as a way to both recognize women already doing amazing work in clean energy fields and encourage other women to help advance clean energy research and development. It was developed by the Clean Energy Ministerial -- an annual meeting of 23 countries and the European Commission committed to finding real solutions to our energy problems. The Clean Energy Ministerial realized that a big part of finding these solutions is making sure everyone has a seat at the table.

Now in its fifth year, the U.S. C3E’s annual Women in Clean Energy Symposium is coming up on May 31st at Stanford University -- the day before the Clean Energy Ministerial. 

Check out the photo gallery above to see how some of the awesome awardees from previous years are helping shape our clean energy future. And visit for videos, blogs and even printable posters of inspiring Women in STEM.
