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SafeOCS - Reporting

enter alt textSafeOCS is a voluntary and confidential near-miss reporting program. Data and information is used to identify industry trends and to improve safety practices on the OCS.

Workers: Submit Your Report Here

Companies: Submit Your Data Here

For additional information, call the confidential toll-free line: 1-844-OCS-FRST (1-844-627-3778)

BSEE's Regulations

Current Regulations

Rules Currently Under Development

Latest Federal Register Notice

Regulations to Improve Safety to Offshore Cranes

Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 114 / Monday, June 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules

The proposed rule addresses safety issues for cranes mounted on fixed platforms including the loading of cranes, their service life, braking systems, and personnel safety. It would include the incorporation of accepted industry best practices and update current BSEE regulations.

View Documentation Related to Rule-Making

BSEE Research Database

BSEE maintains a research database of over 1200 past and current research projects. Our research is driving new environmental protection technologies and operational efficiencies. See how our research can propel you forward:

Featured Research

Development of an Autonomous Oil Skimmer (AOS)

Technical Documentation

BSEE maintains a library of technical documentation from conferences, workshops and forums. Search these PDFs by topic or keyword.