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NOAA Fisheries Aquaculture Office

  1315 East-West Highway
  SSMC3; Suite 12605; Routing: F
  Silver Spring, MD  20910

  phone: 301-427-8325

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About the Office of Aquaculture

The Office of Aquaculture  fosters marine aquaculture that will create employment and business opportunities in coastal communities; provide safe, sustainable seafood; and complement NOAA’s comprehensive strategy for maintaining healthy and productive marine populations, species, and ecosystems and vibrant coastal communities.  The Office of Aquaculture integrates and coordinates the agency’s aquaculture policies, research, outreach, and international obligations.

NOAA's Office of Aquaculture is part of the National Marine Fisheries Service, located in Silver Spring, Maryland and works closely with NOAA's National Sea Grant program, and NOAA's National Ocean Service.  In addition, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center have robust aquaculture research activities.

Since 2008, NOAA has been expanding its aquaculture efforts by establishing Regional Coordinators in the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, and Pacific Islands regions.  This allows better communication and awareness of region-specific issues.



NOAA has a long and rich tradition in aquaculture, from its support for cutting-edge research to federal policy-making.

In this undated photo from the 1969 Stratton Report, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries employees engage in experimental oyster farming. The report recommended that NOAA be established as an independent agency and given the explicit mission to advance aquaculture.


Aquaculture Policy Documents

NOAA aquaculture activities are guided by the objectives in the 2011 Department of Commerce and NOAA Aquaculture Policies. The program also adheres to national aquaculture, fisheries, and ocean legislation including the National Aquaculture Act of 1980 (most recently reauthorized under the 2008 Farm Bill), the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.