Physical/Chemical Sciences Section (PCSS)

The Physical/Chemical Sciences Section (PCSS) provides the scientific expertise to support the GOM OCS Region’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347, as amended requirements and the Environmental Studies Program.

PCSS’s physical scientists, meteorologists and physical oceanographers are responsible for the following resources: air and water quality, meteorology, oceanography, and impacts to these resources such as air emissions, water discharges, and oil and chemical spills.

The Physical/Chemical Sciences Section:

  • Advises management on environmental issues and on methods of environmental analysis, study or regulation, especially in the areas of: air quality or atmospheric sciences; water quality; physical oceanography; and oil spill response and risk assessment.
  • In collaboration with the Environmental Studies Section, develops and manages studies to support BOEM’s mission. This effort involves designing the study and contract/cooperative agreement (CA)/inter-agency agreement (IA) specifications for scientific investigation; participating in the evaluation of contract/CA/IA proposals; providing technical oversight of study contracts/CA’s/IA’s; monitoring contract/CA/IA progress and performance; reviewing deliverable products; and approving invoices.
  • Performs oil spill risk assessments for NEPA documents.
  • Coordinates with other Federal, state and local agencies and partners, including the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), regarding oil spill issues, preparedness and response programs.

Topics of Interests:


Margaret Metcalf, Sc.D. — Section Chief

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
Office of the Environment
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70123