Research Areas

Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopies

This research area supports basic research in condensed matter physics and materials physics using electron scattering and microscopy and scanning probe techniques. The research includes experiments and theory to understand the atomic, electronic, and magnetic structures of materials. This research area also supports the development and improvement of electron scattering and scanning probe instrumentation and techniques, including ultrafast diffraction and imaging techniques. Capital equipment funding is provided for items such as new scanning probes and electron microscopes as well as ancillary equipment including high resolution detectors.

Performance improvements for environmentally acceptable energy generation, transmission, storage, and conversion technologies likewise depend on a detailed understanding of the structural characteristics of advanced materials. Electron and scanning probe microscopies are some of the primary tools for characterizing the atomic, electronic, and magnetic structures of materials. The research area is relevant to hydrogen research through the structural determination of nanostructured materials for hydrogen storage and solar hydrogen generation.

To obtain more information about this research area, please see our Core Research Area descriptions and the proceedings of our Principal Investigators' Meetings. To better understand how this research area fits within the Department of Energy's Office of Science, please refer to the Basic Energy Science's organization chart.pdf file (105KB) and budget request.

For more information about this research area, please contact Dr. Jane Zhu.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:01:47 PM