
Policy & Guidance
> 620 DM 3
Interagency Handbooks
--- BAER (ES)
--- Incident Business Mgmt.

BAER Incident Management
> National DOI BAER Teams
>BAER Tools
>BAER Team Vacancy Announcement
> BAER Technical Specialists
> Burned Area Assessments
> Plan Template & Examples
> Accomplishment Reports
> USDA FS BAER Catalog
> Interagency Agreements
> Remote Sensing
> Safety
> Media
> Logos

BAR Project Management
> Burned Area Assessments
> Plan Template & Examples
> BAR Funding Criteria

National DOI Baer Group
> Charter
> NBAER Chair Rotation

Reference Material & Links
> Monitoring/Adaptive Mgmt.

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Wildland Fire Management Directives
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Wildland Fire Management Directives
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Emergency stabilization (ES) and burned area rehabilitation (BAR) are part of a holistic approach to addressing post wildfire issues which also includes suppression activity damage repair and long-term (>3 years) restoration. The incident management team begins the process by repairing suppression activity damage. ES is planned actions performed by burned area emergency response (BAER) teams within one year of wildfire containment to stabilize and prevent unacceptable degradation to natural and cultural resources, to minimize threats to life or property resulting from the effects of a fire, or to repair/replace/construct physical improvements necessary to prevent degradation of land or resources. BAR is efforts undertaken within three years of wildfire containment to repair or improve fire-damaged lands unlikely to recover naturally to management approved conditions, or to repair or replace minor facilities damaged by fire. The process concludes with long-term restoration.

ES is part of the Emergency Operations appropriation and BAR is a separate non-emergency appropriation. The Department of the Interior ES and BAR web site is intended to consolidate Departmental ES and BAR appropriated fund and BAER incident management information.

Each bureau also maintains bureau specific post fire activity information and guidance.

The DOI National Burned Area Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation Group is wholly responsible for the content of this site. We gratefully acknowledge the Fish and Wildlife Service for hosting our site.

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