The field of high energy physics is guided by intertwined science drivers to explore the elementary constituents of matter and energy, the interactions between them, and the nature of space and time. The Office of High Energy Physics (HEP) executes its mission through a program that advances three frontiers of experimental scientific discovery and related efforts in theory and computing. HEP develops new accelerator, detector and computational tools to enable the science, and through Accelerator Stewardship works to make accelerator technology widely available to science and industry.

Energy Frontier
Theoretical Physics
Intensity Frontier
Advanced Technology
Cosmic Frontier
Accelerator Stewardship

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Preparing for their magnetic momentExternal link

Scientists are using a plastic robot and hair-thin pieces of metal to ready a magnet that will hunt for new physics. Read MoreExternal link

Seven Earn 2016 Early Career Awards in High Energy Physics

The 2016 Early Career Award recipients include: Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.), Shih‐Chieh Hsu (U. of Washington), Christoph Lehner (BNL), Chad Mitchell (LBNL), Sam Posen (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Jennifer Raaf (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Eduardo Rozo (U. of Arizona). 
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EXO-200 resumes its underground questExternal link

The upgraded experiment aims to discover if neutrinos are their own antiparticles.
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Last modified: 10/31/2016 8:52:19 AM