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Get Ready for Autumn!

September 22, 2015 - 6:08pm


Don’t let those bright autumn leaves and clear fall sky fool you—cold weather is just around the corner. Get your home ready for the chill ahead of schedule. <em>Photo by David Parsons, NREL 6317419</em>

Don’t let those bright autumn leaves and clear fall sky fool you—cold weather is just around the corner. Get your home ready for the chill ahead of schedule. Photo by David Parsons, NREL 6317419

This is the time of year when a 60 degree morning feels chilly and many of us are waking up to a dark, pre-dawn sky. We’re ready to put on sweaters, watch football, think about buying Halloween candy (just for the kids, of course) and enjoy the taste of pumpkin spice-flavored everything. But it’s also the right time to think about weatherizing your house for autumn because those cold temperatures tend to sneak up on us when we least expect it.

That’s right; it’s time to think about properly heating your house. I know, it was 80 degrees out yesterday. But before you know it, it’ll be in the ‘50s, with the digits in your thermometer beating a steady retreat downward. Learn more about keeping your house warm this fall and winter with our extensive guide to home heating systems.  Learn how to heat your house for comfort while also saving money on heating bills.

The best furnace in the world won’t help much if your house is drafty. Make sure that you take the time to install proper insulation and air sealing. Something as simple as adding weather stripping to your doors and windows can save you some money on your energy bill.

If you aren’t sure what your house might need to be energy efficient, you can also do an energy audit either using a professional service or using our DIY checklist. This is a home inspection that will point out where and how you could be losing heat and how best to fix it.

If you want to learn how you can save even more year round, the Energy Saver website is loaded with great suggestions, information, and help for those who want to save money without sacrificing comfort. And if you’re a regular reader of the Energy Saver blog, you might really enjoy the EERE Blog as well.

So get ready, autumn is here and winter is coming!

