Accelerator & Detector Research

This research area supports basic research in accelerator physics, x-ray and neutron detector, and x-ray-optics. Accelerator research is the cornerstone for the development of new technologies that will improve performance of x-ray and neutron scattering facilities. This research explores new areas of science and technologies that will facilitate the construction of next generation accelerator-based user facilities. Detector and x-ray optics research are crucial, complimentary components in the optimal utilization of these facilities.

Accelerator research includes studies on creating, manipulating, transporting, and diagnosing ultra-high brightness electron beams. Studies on achieving sub-femtosecond (hundreds of attoseconds) free electron laser (FEL) pulses are also undertaken. The program supports demonstration experiments in advanced FEL seeding techniques. Phase space distribution studies and experimental tests for high intensity proton sources are also explored.

The brightness of synchrotron radiation sources has increased dramatically over the last few decades and will continue to increase into the future. To eliminate the gap between detector and x-ray optics development and source advances this program is investing aggressively in research leading to a new and more efficient generation of photon and neutron detectors, and in new and advanced capabilities in x-ray optics technology.

This research area interacts with BES scientific research that employs x-ray and neutron sources. It also coordinates with other DOE offices, especially in the funding of capabilities whose cost and complexity require shared support. The program works in close collaboration with the Stewardship Program in the Office of High Energy Sciences. There are ongoing industrial interactions through the DOE Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs for the development of x-ray detectors, advanced accelerator technology, and x-ray optics.

To obtain more information about this research area, please see our Core Research Area descriptions and reports of recently held workshops to identify opportunities and needs in detectors and x-ray optics. To better understand how this research area fits within the Department of Energy's Office of Science, please refer to the Basic Energy Science's organization chart.pdf file (105KB).

For more information about this research area, please contact Dr. Eliane Lessner.

Last modified: 6/28/2016 10:37:33 AM