Today in Energy

August 2015

August 31, 2015

EIA improves monthly reporting of crude oil production

August 28, 2015

Reduced offshore share in U.S. oil and natural gas production lowers risk from hurricanes

August 27, 2015

Domestic market for distributed wind turbines faces several challenges

August 26, 2015

EIA expects near-term decline in natural gas production in major shale regions

August 25, 2015

India’s coal industry in flux as government sets ambitious coal production targets

August 24, 2015

Growing global liquids inventories reflect lower crude oil prices

August 21, 2015

Major fossil fuel-producing states rely heavily on severance taxes

August 20, 2015

Australia shifts investment from wind projects to other renewable sources

August 19, 2015

EIA lowers crude oil price forecast through 2016

August 18, 2015

Unplanned refinery outage leads to higher Midwest gasoline prices

August 17, 2015

Texas electric grid serves record-high power demand

August 14, 2015

First offshore wind farm in the United States begins construction

August 13, 2015

Nuclear accord creates potential for additional crude oil production from Iran

August 12, 2015

Japan restarts first nuclear reactor under new safety rules

August 11, 2015

West Coast wind patterns lead to below-normal wind generation capacity factors

August 10, 2015

Rail helps make Midwest a net shipper of crude oil

August 7, 2015

U.S. refineries are running at record-high levels

August 6, 2015

Russia is world's largest producer of crude oil and lease condensate

August 5, 2015

Monthly power sector carbon dioxide emissions reach 27-year low in April

August 4, 2015

Algeria is reforming its laws to attract foreign investment in hydrocarbons

August 3, 2015

Coal, nuclear, and renewables expected to boost Vietnam’s electricity capacity

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