Today in Energy

June 16, 2016

The 2016 EIA Energy Conference and job fair is next month

Not the real image
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

The U.S. Energy Information Administration will hold its 2016 Energy Conference on July 11 and 12 in Washington, DC. This two-day event provides the opportunity to meet and network with energy analysts, decision makers, and EIA staff. This year's conference also includes an EIA job fair. Last year, more than 1,000 people from industry, government, and academia attended EIA's conference.

Session topics include:

  • Clean Power Plan: EIA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and state and regional perspectives
  • Oil demand and transportation: Transportation sector developments affecting oil demand and price response
  • Climate—next steps: Perspectives from the United States, Europe, and China
  • Oil supply: The role of technology advances and other factors driving the current and future supply situation
  • Energy efficiency: Measuring and achieving demand-side energy efficiency and developing standard metrics
  • LNG markets: Implications of a low energy price environment for demand and U.S. exports
  • Renewable electricity: State-level issues and perspectives
  • Oil and natural gas: State-level issues and perspectives
  • Industrial energy demand and efficiency: Secondary processing and waste fuel use in heavy industry
  • Global coal markets: The outlook for coal demand and supply
  • Renewable energy and the transmission grid: Integrating renewable energy capacity into electric system operations
  • Information technology and the energy industry: How the application of information technology is driving change in the energy industry

Keynote speakers include:

  • Steve Kean, President and Chief Executive Officer of Kinder Morgan, Inc.
  • Dan Gardner, co-author of Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction and Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada
  • Gregory Goff, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Tesoro Corporation
  • Jeff Flake, U.S. Senator, Arizona, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

The first day of the conference features a post-session reception where participants can network, participate in discussions, and see demonstrations of EIA data and tools, including state-level estimates of small-scale solar PV capacity and generation, updated maps of key production regions, and EIA's Open Data efforts.

For the first time, the EIA conference will feature a job fair where people can learn about EIA career opportunities. Several job openings were recently made available. Selected applicants to those openings will be contacted to schedule interviews at the conference. Another round of job openings will be listed on EIA's Jobs Openings page and the federal hiring website USAJOBS during the conference. At the conference, EIA representatives will be available to talk about careers at EIA and how to apply for these positions.

To view current job openings, visit the job fair tab on the 2016 EIA Energy Conference website.

Principal contributor: Dale Sweetnam

Tags: energy