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BSEE Releases Panel Investigation Report into Platform Explosion

BSEE Releases Panel Investigation Report into Platform Explosion

WASHINGTON- The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) today released the panel investigation report into the November 20, 2014 explosion and fatality on a platform operated by Fieldwood Energy. The explosion occurred on West Delta Block 105 Platform E, resulting in the tragic death of Jerrel Hancock.

Mr. Hancock, a Turnkey Cleaning Services supervisor contracted by Fieldwood Energy, died after an explosion occurred inside the electrostatic heater treater located on the platform while the contract cleaning crew personnel were engaged in activities related to cleaning the vessel.

The five member investigation panel identified a number of failures in the application of basic safety management practices which may have contributed to Mr. Hancock’s death. The report concludes that there were apparent inadequacies in electrical isolation and verification of that isolation, ineffective ventilation and air monitoring of the vessel. The report also concluded that a job safety analysis (JSA) did not align with the cleaning procedures and lacked specific assessments of the hazards associated with the job and equipment on which the work was to be done.

Aerial Picture WD 105 E - RL - Cropped
Aerial image of Platform E. The heater treater is the long silver tank on the deck closest to the water.

“I thank the panel for their work to thoroughly investigate the incident and find important lessons learned," said BSEE Director Brian Salerno. "Reviewing the panel's findings, it’s critical that operators and contractors adhere to the basic tenets of a safety culture and that it permeates throughout the organization.”

Based on the findings and recommendations of the panel, Director Salerno has directed BSEE staff to conduct an assessment of whether a site-specific Safety and Environmental Management System audit should be required when a safety management system gap may have contributed to an operational fatality. Director Salerno also directed several other assessments and the issuance of a safety bulletin (hyper link) to inform industry regarding the most significant findings of the Panel investigation and provide recommendations for preventing a similar incident.

A statement from Director Salerno on the report can be found here.

To read more about the panel investigation, the full report can be found here.

A Safety Bulletin has been sent to offshore operators and can be viewed here​.