Whoweare / Our Organization / Leadership / Senior Advisor

Senior Advisor

Dr. Kelly Kryc
Dr. Kelly Kryc

Dr. Kelly Kryc is a Senior Advisor to the Director of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.

Previously, she was a Senior Policy Analyst for Energy, Water and Ocean Sciences in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.  Before that, Kelly was a Foreign Affairs Officer in the Office of Marine Conservation at the U.S. Department of State, where she worked on fisheries and marine science issues. At the Department of State, Kelly also served as their first Energy and Water Advisor for two years. Her policy experience includes a Congressional Science Fellowship with the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources where she focused on energy and water issues and drafted legislation securing the U.S. Helium supply chain that was signed into law in 2013.

Prior to working in the public sector, Kelly was a scientific program manager for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation where she worked to provide strategic direction to these programs. During this time, she started her own consulting company to provide advice to new start-up philanthropic organizations.

Kelly earned a B.A. with honors in geology and marine science from Middlebury College (1994), an M.S. in oceanography from the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island (1998), and a Ph.D. in earth science from Boston University (2002). She studied the geologic history of climate change in Antarctica and spent four field seasons working on the continent.