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SAFE Report Component Fishery Management Plan Document link Document Title Document Discription
Stock and Ecosystem Status Atlantic Herring Atlantic Herring Operational Assessment Report 2015.pdf Atlantic Herring Operational Assessment Report 2015 Most recent biological condition of the Atlantic herrring resouce. 
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Herring EA for 2013-2015 Specifications and Framework 2 to the Atlantic Herring FMP.pdf 2013-2015 Specifications and Framework 2 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan The 2013-2015 specifications set harvest specifications for the herring fishery, including status determination criteria used to set annual catch limits (ACLs) and prevent overfishing, and Framework 2 set seasonal harvest and carryover provisons for the herring fishery.  This actions includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management measures.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Herring EA for Framework 3 to the Atlantic Herring FMP.pdf Framework 3 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan Framework 3, the most recent framework to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan, set river herring and shad catch caps for the Herring fishery.  The framework includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management measures.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Data Gaps; Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Herring EIS for Amendment 5 to the Atlantic Herring FMP -Volume I.pdf Amendment 5 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan Amendment 5, the most recent amendment to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan, improved monitoring and addressed bycatch issues in the herring fishery.  The amendment includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management measures.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Data Gaps; Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Herring EIS for Amendment 5 to the Atlantic Herring FMP -Volume II.pdf Amendment 5 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan: Appendices Amendment 5, the most recent amendment to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan, improved monitoring and addressed bycatch issues in the herring fishery.  The amendment includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management measures.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Herring OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 1: Executive summary, Background and purpose, and Description of the affected environment Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Herring OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 2: EFH and HAPC Designation Alternative and Environmental Impacts Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Herring OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 3: Spatial management alternatives
Environmental impacts of spatial management alternatives
Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Herring OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 4: Cumulative effects, compliance with applicable law and references Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Herring OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 5: Appendices Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities Atlantic Salmon 2014 NASCO Report.pdf 2014 Report of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Council of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) Report of the 2014 NASCO meeting, 3-6 June 2014, Saint-Malo, France
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Data Gaps Atlantic Salmon 2015 ICES Advisory Committee Report.pdf 2015 Report  to NASCO of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Advisory Committee 2015 Report  to NASCO of the ICES Advisory Committee
Previous Management Actions Atlantic Salmon Atlantic Salmon SAFE report - READ ME.pdf Atlantic Salmon SAFE report - READ ME A brief description of the unique aspects of Atlantic salmon management and their impact on availability of SAFE report elements, plus links to additional sources of information on Atlantic salmon.
Bycatch of Non-Target Species Atlantic Sea Scallop 2012ScallopBiOp071212.pdf Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion on the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan (2012) Most recent biological opinion for the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan
Bycatch of Non-Target Species Atlantic Sea Scallop amended_ITS_2012_scallop_biop_final_042315.pdf Amended Incidental Take Statement (May 1, 2015) for Biological Opinion Amended Incidental Take Statement for the 2012 Biological Opinion
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 1: Executive summary, Background and purpose, and Description of the affected environment Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 2: EFH and HAPC Designation Alternative and Environmental Impacts Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 3: Spatial management alternatives
Environmental impacts of spatial management alternatives
Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 4: Cumulative effects, compliance with applicable law and references Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Volume 5: Appendices Description and identification of essential fish habitat (EFH), including habitat information by life stage and efforts to minimize adverse impacts
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Sea Scallop Scallop Amendment 15 FEIS final.pdf Amendment 15 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan Amendment 15, the most recent amendment to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan, set the current Annual Catch Limit process for the FMP.  The amendment includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management mesures.
Stock and Ecosystem Status Atlantic Sea Scallop Scallop Assessment Summary_SAW 59.pdf Sea Scallop Assessment Summary for 2014 (SAW 59) Most recent biological condition of the Atlantic sea scallop stock
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Atlantic Sea Scallop Scallop EFH Designations_EFH Amendment-1998.pdf Essential Fish Habitat Description for Atlantic sea scallops (1998) Original EFH descriptions for Atlantic sea scallops
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Atlantic Sea Scallop Scallop Framework 26.pdf Framework Adjustment 26 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan Framework 26 set the management measures for the 2015 scallop fishing year and includes all components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management mesures.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Bluefish 2015 Bluefish Specifications EA.pdf 2015 Bluefish Specifications document Environmental Assessment for 2015 Bluefish Specifications
Stock and Ecosystem Status Bluefish Bluefish Stock Assessment SAW60.pdf 2015 Bluefish stock assessment (SAW 60) Benchmark stock assessment report for Atlantic Bluefish
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species Deep See Red Crab 2014-2016 Red Crab Final Specs SIR.pdf 2014-2016 Red Crab Specifications and Supplemental Information Report Specifications recommendations for fishing years 2014-2016, including updated fishery information
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Bycatch of Non-Target Species Deep See Red Crab OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 1 Affected environment for managed species impacted by NEFMC's Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Deep See Red Crab OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 2 Essential fish habitat designations for all NEFMC managed species and life stages 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Deep See Red Crab OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 3 Spatial management alternatives to minimize the adverse effects of fishing on EFH for all NEFMC managed species
Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Economic Impacts of Measures Deep See Red Crab OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 4 Evaluation of the practicability of management alternatives and the cumulative effects analysis for the NEFMC Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Biological Impacts of Measures Deep See Red Crab OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 5 Appendices to NEFMC Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Data Gaps; Previous Management Actions; Safety Information Deep See Red Crab Red Crab Amendment 3 Final Submission May52011.pdf Amendment 3 to the Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery Management Plan Amendment to establish annual catch limits and accountability measures for the red crab fishery.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Catch Estimation Methods Golden Tilefish 2014_SAW58_tilefish.pdf 58th Stock Assessment Workgroup Assessment Report, Part B: Stock Assessment of Tilefish in the Mid-Atlantic/Southern New England Region for 2014 Report from the most recent assessment of the Mid-Atlantic stock of golden tilefish
Catch Limits; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Previous Management Actions; Social and Economic Status and Description; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Safety Information Golden Tilefish 2015to17 Tilefish Specs EA_2014-08-24_final.pdf 2015, 2016, and 2017 Tilefish Specifications, Environmental Assessment, Regulatory Impact Review, and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Recommended harvest quotas and management measures for the 2015, 2016, and 2017 fishing years
Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities Golden Tilefish 2015_Tilefish_AP_FPR_Final.pdf 2015 Tilefish Advisory Panel Fishery Performance Report 2015 report from the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Tilefish Adviosory Committee on the current state of the fishery
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Bycatch of Non-Target Species Golden Tilefish crd1504_Discard Estimation Report-2015.pdf 2015 Discard Estimation, Precision, and Sample Size Analyses for 14 Federally Managed Species Groups in the Waters off the Northeastern United States Annual report from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center on estimated observer coverage needed to meet target precision for discard estimates, includes prior year discards by gear type
Catch Limits; Data Gaps Golden Tilefish MAFMC SSC_2014-March Report.pdf Report of the March 2014 Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Scientific and Statistical Committee Report of the March 2014 Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Scientific and Statistical Committee
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Social and Economic Status and Description; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Previous Management Actions; Stock and Ecosystem Status Golden Tilefish Tilefish+AP+Info+02-17-2015.pdf Golden Tilefish Advisory Panel Information Document - February 2015 2015 informational document for the MAFMC on the tilefish fishery
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Biological Impacts of Measures; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Economic Impacts of Measures; Social and Economic Status and Description; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Safety Information Golden Tilefish Tilefish_Amend_1_Vol_1.pdf Amendment 1 to the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan (Includes Final Environmental Impact Statement, Preliminary Regulatory Economic Evaluation and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment) - Volume 1 Amendment 1 to the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan, which:  Adopted an individual fishing quota (IFQ) system for the commercial fishery; Established a commercial trip limit for non-IFQ vessels; Established a recreational bag limit; Set permitting and reporting requirements for party/charter vessels; updated definitional of Essesntial Fish Habitat (EFH); designated Habitat Areas of Particular Concern; and adopted measures to reduce gear impacts on EFH.
Data Gaps; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Social and Economic Status and Description Golden Tilefish Tilefish_Amend_1_Vol_2.pdf Amendment 1 to the Tilefish Fishery Management Plan (Includes Final Environmental Impact Statement, Preliminary Regulatory Economic Evaluation and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment) - Volume 2 (Appendices) Appendices to Tilefish Amendment 1
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Data Gaps Monkfish 130529_SSC Memo to Nies_Monkfish BRPs and ABCs.pdf May 2013 Scientific and Statistical Committee Memorandum  This document identifies concerns expressed by the New England Fishery Management Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee regarding the 2013 monkfish stock assessment, biological reference points, and acceptable biological catch control rules.  This memorandum requests additional analysis to help the Committee future recommend annual catch limits.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Data Gaps Monkfish 130903_SSC Report to NEFMC Regarding Monkfish.pdf September 2013 Scientific and Statistical Committee Report This document summarizes issues discussed by the New England Fishery Management Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee regarding the current status of monkfish stocks, uncertainty in the latest stock assessment, and information needed to recommend future catch levels. This document recommends updating overfishing levels and maintaining existing acceptable biological catch levels.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Data Gaps Monkfish 131126_2013 Monkfish Operational Assessment_crd1323.pdf 2013 Monkfish Operational Stock Assessment This document summarizes the current status of both monkfish stocks, and includes a discussion of life history parameters, recent catch (landings and discards), biological reference points,  projections of future catch, uncertainties in the stock assessment, and recommendations for future research.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Monkfish 140627_FINAL Monk FW 8 EA.pdf Environmental Assessment to Implement Framework Adjustment 8 to the Monkfish Fishery Management Plan This document summarizes the most recent information regarding the status of monkfish stocks, composition and operation of the fishery, species affected by the operation of the monkfish fishery, and communities associated with monkfish operations.  This document analyzes the biological, social, and economic impacts of proposed measures intended to increase monkfish landings  operational flexibility, and economic efficiency in the monkfish fishery.
Status Determination Criteria; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Data Gaps Monkfish 3. MF PDT recommendations on OFL ABC May 1 2013.pdf May 2013 Monkfish Plan Development Team Memorandum This document summarizes analysis conducted by the Monkfish Plan Development Team to address questions identified by the New England Fishery Management Council's Scientific and Statistical Committee regarding calculating overfishing levels and acceptable biological catch.
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Previous Management Actions Monkfish OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 This document contains the executive summary, background and purpose, alternatives considered, and description of the affected environment for the omnibus amendment to review essential fish habitat designations and minimize adverse habitat impacts from fishing.  This includes a brief description of monkfish life history characteristics, catch and effort in the fishery, seasonal distribution, habitat affiliation, and past management actions.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Biological Impacts of Measures Monkfish OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 2 This document contains current and updated monkfish essential fish habitat and habitat areas of particular concern designations considered by the New England Fishery Management Council.  Maps of essential fish habitat for various monkfish life stages is included, along with impacts analysis of the habitat designations considered.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries Monkfish OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 3 This document describes the biological and fishery impacts of all spatial management alternatives on non-large mesh groundfish stocks, including monkfish.  Monkfish landings by gear, habitat preference by life stage, fishing revenue, and observer data are also presented. 
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Monkfish OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 4 This document includes an assessment of the practicability and cumulative effects of proposed measures, including the overall biological, economic, social, protected resources, and habitat impacts.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Monkfish OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement Volume 5 This document includes a description of depth, temperature, and salinity ranges for various life stages of monkfish, prey species, and peak spawning periods/conditiions.  Also included are maps for essential fish habitat designations for monkfish life stages.
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Northeast Skate Complex OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 1 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Northeast Skate Complex OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 2 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Northeast Skate Complex OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 3 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Northeast Skate Complex OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 4 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Northeast Skate Complex OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 5 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Stock and Ecosystem Status Northeast Skate Complex Skate 2015 Stock Status Update.pdf 2015 Skate Stock Status Update 2015 stock status update memo for the Northeast Skate Complex
Stock and Ecosystem Status Northeast Skate Complex Skate Data Poor Working Group Assessment 2009.pdf 2009 Data Poor Working Group Skate Stock Assessment Benchmark stock assessment for the Northeast Skate Complex
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Northeast Skate Complex Skate FW2 EA.pdf Framework Adjustment 2 to the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan Environmental Assessment for Framework Adjustment 2
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 080829 GARM III Full Report (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 08-15).pdf GARM III Full Report from NEFSC Groundfish Assessment Review Meeting reviewing all groundfish stocks
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Data Gaps Regulated Northeast Multispecies 090728 Data Poor Stocks WG Report (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 09-02).pdf Data Poor Stocks Working Group Report Report on stocks that have minimal or little data
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 100923 SAW-SARC 50 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 10-17).pdf SAW-SARC 50 Report Includes most recent pollock stock assessment
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 110928 SAW-SARC 52 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 11-17).pdf SAW-SARC 52 Report Winter flounder stock assessment
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 120314 Assessment Updates of 13 NE Groundish Stocks through 2010 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 12-06).pdf 2012 Operational Assessment Updates Asessment updates of 13 NE groundfish stocks incorporating data through 2010
Catch Limits Regulated Northeast Multispecies 120924_SSC response_Groundfish_Sept2012.pdf SSC report on 2012 Operational Assessment Updates SSC sets OFLs and ABCs for FY 2013-2015
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 130116 SAW-SARC 55 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 13-01).pdf SAW-SARC 55 Report Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank stock assessments
Catch Limits Regulated Northeast Multispecies 130129_SSC_response_Groundfish_FINAL.pdf SSC updates on ABCs for cod and SNE/MA winter flounder SSC sets OFLs and ABCs for cod and SNE/MA winter flounder stocks
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 130611 SAW-SARC 56 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 13-10).pdf SAW-SARC 56 Report Includes stock assessment for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank White hake
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Status Determination Criteria  Regulated Northeast Multispecies 141001 SAW-SARC 59 (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 14-09).pdf SAW-SARC 59 Report Includes Gulf of Maine haddock stock asssessment
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 141106 GOM Cod Assessment Update (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 14-14).pdf GOM Cod Assessment Update Stock Assessment Update for GOM cod
Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150220_FW53_Appendix_III_Calculation of ACLs.pdf Framework 53 Appendix III Calculation of ACLs
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch estimation methods; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150220_FW53_Appendix_II_Analytic_Techniques.pdf Framework 53 Appendix II Analyses
Catch LImits Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150220_FW53_Appendix_I_SSC_Recommendations_ABCs.pdf Framework 53 Appendix I SSC Recommendaitons
Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150220_FW53_Appendix_IV_ABC_and_No_Action_Projection_Output.pdf Framework 53 Appendix IV Catch Projectiosn and ABC recommendations
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Significant Trends in the Resource; Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Previous Management Actions; Bycatch of non-target species Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150327_FW53_EA_Final_wSignedFONSI.pdf Framework 53 Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment
Catch Limits; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150407_FY2015 Sector EA for Final Rule with FONSI unsigned.pdf Fishing Year 2015 Sector Rule Final Rule detailing Sector Operations for Fishing Year 2015
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Stauts Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150415 Operational Assessments Pollock GOM & GB Winter Flndr (NE Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 15-01).pdf Operational Assesments for pollock and Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank winter flounder Includes assessment updates for pollock and GOM and GB winter flounder
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Stauts Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150723 TSR 2015 01 EGBcod FINAL.pdf Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Eastern Georges Bank Cod Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Eastern Georges Bank Cod
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Stauts Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150723 TSR 2015 03 GByellowtail FINAL.pdf Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Georges Bank yellowtail flounder Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Georges Bank yellowtail flounder
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Stauts Determination Criteria; Past, Present, and Future Conditions Regulated Northeast Multispecies 150727 TSR 2015 02 EGBhaddock FINAL REVISED.pdf Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Eastern Georges Bank haddock Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee Status Report for Eastern Georges Bank haddock
Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Regulated Northeast Multispecies crd1303 Economics of the Recreational For-hire Fishing Industry in the NE US 2nd ed.pdf Economics of the Recreational For-Hire Fishing Industry Report on recreational fishing and economics associated with it
Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Regulated Northeast Multispecies crd1502 2013 final report on the performance of the NE mults fishery may 2013 to April 2014.pdf Final Report on the Performance of the Northeast Multispecies Fishery (May 2013-April 2014) Annual Groundfish Fishery Performance Report 
Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Regulated Northeast Multispecies FY 2015 rec mgt measures EA Final Signed.pdf Recreational Fishing Groundfish Management Measures Rule explaining management measures for recreational fishing industry
Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits Regulated Northeast Multispecies Mults Bioeconomic Model for Recreational Fisheries Management Final_rev3.pdf Applying a Bioeconomic Model to Recreational Fisheries Management: Cod and Haddock in the Northeast United States Explanation about modeling program for cod and haddock recreational fishery
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Regulated Northeast Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 1 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Regulated Northeast Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 2 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Regulated Northeast Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 3 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Regulated Northeast Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 4 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Regulated Northeast Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 5 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Previous Management Actions Small Mesh Multispecies 2015-2017 Small Mesh Multispecies Specifications EA.pdf 2015-2017 Small-Mesh Multispecies Specifications Environmental assessment of the 2015-2017 specifications and management measure changes for the small-mesh multispecies fishery.
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Bycatch of Non-Target Species Small Mesh Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 1 Affected environment for managed species impacted by NEFMC's Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Small Mesh Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 2 Essential fish habitat designations for all NEFMC managed species and life stages 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Small Mesh Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 3 Spatial management alternatives to minimize the adverse effects of fishing on EFH for all NEFMC managed species
Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Economic Impacts of Measures Small Mesh Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 4 Evaluation of the practicability of management alternatives and the cumulative effects analysis for the NEFMC Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Biological Impacts of Measures Small Mesh Multispecies OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 5 Appendices to NEFMC Omnibus Habitat Amendment
Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods Small Mesh Multispecies Small Mesh Multispecies 2014 Annual Monitoring Report and Stock Assessment Update.pdf Fishing year 2014 Annual Monitoring Report Description of the landings and catch information for fishing year 2014, as compared to catch limits, and stock assessment update for red hake
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Spiny Dogfish OA2 EIS Volume 1 Summary and Affected Environment.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 1 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Spiny Dogfish OA2 EIS Volume 2 EFH and HAPC.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 2 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Spiny Dogfish OA2 EIS Volume 3 Spatial Management Alts and Impacts.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 3 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Spiny Dogfish OA2 EIS Volume 4 Practicability and Cumulative Effects.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 4 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts Spiny Dogfish OA2 EIS Volume 5 Appendices.pdf Omnibus Habitat Amendment 2, Volume 5 Analyses and modification of habitat management protection measures 
Social and Economic Status and Description; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries Spiny Dogfish Spiny Dogfish 2015 AP Info Doc.pdf 2015 Spiny Dogfish Advisory Panel Information Document 2015 Spiny Dogfish Advisory Panel Information Document
Stock and Ecosystem Status Spiny Dogfish Spiny Dogfish 2015 Stock Status Update.pdf 2015 Spiny Dogfish Stock Status Update 2015 Spiny Dogfish Stock Status Update
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; EFH Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities, Biological Impacts of Measures, Economic Impacts of Measures, Data Gaps, Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Spiny Dogfish Spiny Dogfish Specs 2014-2015 EA.pdf 2014-2015 Spiny Dogfish Specifications document Environmental Assessment for 2014-2015 Spiny Dogfish specifications
Stock and Ecosystem Status Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 2010 Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Status Report.pdf Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Status Report (2010) Most recent Canadian biological condition assessment of the Atlantic mackerel stock in the northwest Atlantic.
Stock and Ecosystem Status Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 42nd Stock Assessment Workshop.pdf 42nd Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop Assessment Summary Report (2006) Most recent American biological condition assessment of the Atlantic mackerel and Illex squid  stocks.
Stock and Ecosystem Status Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 51st Stock Assessment Workshop.pdf 51st Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop Assessment Summary Report (2nd Edition) (2011) Most recent biological condition of the longfin squid stock.
Stock and Ecosystem Status Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish 58th Stock Assessment Workshop.pdf 58th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop Assessment Summary Report (2014) Most recent biological condition of the butterfish stock.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Data Gaps; Previous Management Actions Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish MSB Framework Adjustment 8 Environmental Assessment.pdf Framework Adjustment 8 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan Environmental Assessment (2013) Framework 8 is the a relatively recent adjustment to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan, and this action improves the butterfish discard cap that controls butterfish mortality in the longfin squid fishery.  The framework includes several components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Catch Estimation Methods; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Data Gaps; Safety Information; Previous Management Actions Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish MSB Framework Adjustment 9 Environmental Assessment.pdf Framework Adjustment 9 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan Environmental Assessment (2015) Framework 9 is the most recent adjustment to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan, and this action addresses slippage in the Atlantic mackerel fishery.  The framework includes several components of the SAFE report and impacts analysis related to relevant management.
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Data Gaps Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 2015 Scup Benchmark Stock Assessment Report.pdf 2015 Scup stock assessment (SAW 60) Benchmark stock assessment of scup
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Data Gaps Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 2015 Summer Flounder Stock Assessment Update Report.pdf 2015 summer flounder stock assessment update Update of 2013 benchmark stock assessment with data through 2014
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods; Catch Limits; Bycatch of Non-Target Species; Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Previous Management Actions Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 2016-2018 Summer Flounder Scup Black Sea Bass Specifications EA.pdf 2016-2018 Summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass specifications document Environmental assessment of summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass specifications for fishing years 2016-2018
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Catch Estimation Methods; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries Surfclam-Ocean Quahog 2009_SAW48_ocean quahog.pdf 48th Stock Assessment Workgroup (SAW) Report, Part B Stock Assessment for Ocean Quahog The most recent benchmark assessment of the ocean quahog stock in the U.S. EEZ for 2009
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods Surfclam-Ocean Quahog 2013_SAW56_surfclam.pdf 56th SAW Report, Part A Atlantic Surfclam Stock Assessment in the U.S. EEZ for 2013 The most recent benchmark assessment of the Atlantic surfclam stock in the U.S. EEZ
Catch Limits; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures; Previous Management Actions Surfclam-Ocean Quahog 2014-16 Specifications EA SCOQ 2013-11-26_Final.pdf 2014, 2015, and 2016 Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Specifications, Environmental Assessment, and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Recommended harvest quotas and management measures for surfclams and ocean quahogs for the 2014, 2015, and 2016 fishing years
Stock and Ecosystem Status; Status Determination Criteria; Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Catch Estimation Methods Surfclam-Ocean Quahog crd1317_Full OQ assessment update report.pdf Stock Assessment Update for Ocean Quahogs through 2011 Stock assessment update for the ocean quahog stock in the U.S. EEZ with data through 2011
Landings, Discards, and Bycatch in Other Fisheries; Bycatch of Non-Target Species Surfclam-Ocean Quahog crd1504_Discard Estimate Report 2015.pdf 2015 Discard Estimation, Precision, and Sample Size Analyses for 14 Federally Managed Species Groups
in the Waters off the Northeastern United States
Annual report from the Northeast Fisheries Science Center on estimated observer coverage needed to meet target precision for discard estimates, includes prior year discards by gear type
Catch Limits; Catch Estimation Methods; Data Gaps Surfclam-Ocean Quahog May2013 SSC Report V2.pdf Report of the May 2013 Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's (MAFMC) Scientific and Statistical Committee Report of the May 2013 Meeting of the MAFMC's Scientific and Statistical Committee
Previous Management Actions; Stock and Ecosystem Status; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities Surfclam-Ocean Quahog Ocean+Quahog+AP+Info+Doc+2015-04-01.pdf MAFMC Ocean Quahog Information Document - April 2015 2015 Informational document for the MAFMC on recent developments in the ocean quahog fishery
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Status Determination Criteria; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Surfclam-Ocean Quahog SCOQ_Amend_12.pdf Amendment 12 to the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Fishery Management Plan (FMP) (Includes Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Regulatory Impact Review) Amendment 12 was adopted in 1998 to revise the biological reference points and essential fish habitat definitions within the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog FMP to comply with requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Description and Impacts; Status Determination Criteria; Biological Impacts of Measures; Economic Impacts of Measures Surfclam-Ocean Quahog SCOQ_Amend_13_Volume 1_1.pdf Amendment 13 to the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog FMP (Includes: Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Regulatory Impact Review, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Social Impact Assessment, and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment) Amendment 13 was adopted in 2003 to rectify two disapproved issues from Amendment 12 (surfclam overfishing definition and fishing gear impacts to EFH), adopt multi-year quotas, and implement a vessel monitoring system
Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities; Social and Economic Status and Description; Data Gaps Surfclam-Ocean Quahog SCOQ_FPR_for2016.pdf MAFMC Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Fishery Performance Report - April 2015 2015 Report of the MAFMC's Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Advisory Panel 
Previous Management Actions; Stock and Ecosystem Status; Social and Economic Status and Description; Past, Present, and Future Conditions; Significant Trends in the Resource, Ecosystem, or Communities Surfclam-Ocean Quahog Surfclam+AP+Info+Doc+2015-04-01.pdf MAFMC Atlantic Surfclam Information Document - April 2015 2015 Information document on recent developments in the Atlantric surfclam fishery