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#HeatChat @Energy: Ask Us Your Home Heating Questions

October 21, 2015 - 10:10am


Check out our <a href="/node/780416">Energy Saver 101 infographic</a> for everything you need to know about home heating.

Check out our Energy Saver 101 infographic for everything you need to know about home heating.

Winter is coming! Autumn’s chill signals that much colder weather is just around the corner and with it, a potential spike in your home utility bills due to increased use of heating systems.

Space heating accounts for more than 41 percent of total residential energy consumption and energy upgrades can go a long way to lowering your utility bills and improving comfort. For instance, our Quadrennial Technology Review indicates modern wall, window and HVAC equipment is so advanced and energy efficient, they have the potential to eliminate the need for residential heating altogether.

However, an entire home makeover isn’t required to save energy and money. There are simple steps you can take to ensure your heating system is running properly and efficiently this winter. Check your Check out our Energy Saver infographic for tips on maintaining your system and everything else you need to know about home heating.

Have more questions about space heating and how to prepare your home for the winter months ahead? Join us Thursday, October 22 at 1 p.m. ET for a Twitter chat with Josh Olsen from the Energy Department’s Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office. Tweet your home heating questions to @Energy using #HeatChat and we’ll reply!  Also, go to  Energy Saver for more ways to save energy and money at home.
