How to Report an Error

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As a user of ECHO, you can assist us in maintaining high quality information in our systems. Comments about facility data are normally made by staff at the facility, but the general public can also comment if errors are suspected. Numerous state and local governmental agencies as well as the U.S. EPA are involved in preparing and maintaining the facility-level enforcement and compliance data found on ECHO. These agencies are committed to providing the public with the highest possible quality of information related to each facility's compliance record. To this end, users noticing data errors on the Detailed Facility Reports and Effluent Charts can send a notification directly from the ECHO website.

How to Report an Error from a Detailed Facility Report

Follow the steps below to report an error. A video tutorial demonstrating how to report a suspected error is available on ECHO Tutorials.

Step 1: Initiate error reporting from the Detailed Facility Report (DFR)

Step 1: Initiate error reporting from the Detailed Facility Report (DFR)

Step 2: Report a general or specific error with DFR

Note: Please consolidate specific data error submissions into one comment if there are multiple errors in the same table.

Step 2: Report a general or specific error with DFR

Step 3: Provide contact information

Step 3: Provide contact information

Read EPA's Notice of Use

Step 4: Submit your comment

Step 4: Submit your comment

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How to Report an Error from the Effluent Charts

See Effluent Charts Help for instructions on how to report a suspected error in an effluent chart or table.

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How to Report an Error from an Air Pollutant Report

See Air Pollutant Report Help for instructions on how to report a suspected error in the emissions data table.

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Error Reporting Data Flow

The error reporting form will ask for the submitter's contact information in order to keep the submitter informed of progress in addressing the report. Please include enough information to allow EPA to identify the data in question. This information is not made available for any other purposes (see Notice of Use).

Detailed Facility Report Error Reporting Form

Click on the button labeled “Submit Report” to send the error correction request to EPA. Once the report is submitted, it will be entered into EPA’s Integrated Error Correction Process and routed to the appropriate data steward (see Data Error Correction Process). You will receive an immediate acknowledgement of receipt on the web page and one or more status updates. EPA may ask for additional information or documentation, if it is needed (see Customer Support Standards).

Notification of Successful Error Report to EPA's Integrated Error Correction Process


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