Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority


Challenge Commitment
2.3Million Square Feet
Goals Progress
20% Reduction in Energy

The Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) believes that housing is vital to our past, present and future! The agency creates quality housing opportunities and builds communities through collaborative partnerships. While stimulating economic growth, the LMHA empowers individuals and develops the neighborhoods of tomorrow for the people of today. The LMHA envisions a society that delivers on the promise of a quality life our veterans fought for, our seniors saved for, our young parents work for, and our children will remember us for.

Today the LMHA manages 2,641 units, one completed RAD Conversion of 134 units, and an additional 4,391 Housing Choice Voucher families. As a Better Buildings Challenge partner, LMHA has committed to a 20% Reduction in energy by 2026 across its 2.3 million square feet of federal public housing properties. The LMHA will reach its goal through the implementation of an Energy Performance Contract (EPC). Through the Energy Performance Contract, the benefits realized will be lowering the energy consumption and reducing utility costs. The energy conservation measures (ECMs) identified and defined will provide the maximum energy savings to LMHA, which will help the agency to make critical, long-term infrastructure upgrades to the LMHA’s portfolio; improve resident comfort; and enhance the marketability of LMHA’s properties at 22 of the developments of the Agency’s portfolio. Energy upgrades include LED lighting, water conservation measures, HVAC system replacement upgrades, and window replacement systems. Accurate monitoring and tracking measures are planned to manage the EPC program performance.