Spectroscopy and Diffraction

Molecular level solid-, liquid- and gas-interactions can be investigated through structural, chemical and compositional analysis with remarkable atomic scale spatial and high-energy resolution spectrometers and diffractometers for novel fundamental research. See a complete list of Spectroscopy and Diffraction instruments.

Resources and Techniques

  • Electron spectroscopy
  • Electron backscatter diffraction
  • Atom probe tomography
  • Ion/molecular beam spectroscopy
  • 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy
  • Optical spectroscopy
  • X-ray tomography and diffractometers

Additional Information:

Molecular level solid-, liquid- and gas-interactions can be investigated through structural, chemical and compositional analysis with remarkable atomic scale spatial and high-energy resolution spectrometers and diffractometers for novel fundamental research. See a complete list of Spectroscopy and Diffraction instruments.

Resources and Techniques

  • Electron spectroscopy
  • Electron backscatter diffraction
  • Atom probe tomography
  • Ion/molecular beam spectroscopy
  • 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy
  • Optical spectroscopy
  • X-ray tomography and diffractometers

Additional Information:


Redox cycling of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in magnetite by Fe-metabolizing bacteria.


Despite the regular occurrence of both magnetite and iron-metabolizing bacteria in the same environments, it is currently unknown whether the iron(II) and iron(III) in magnetite can be cycled between different bacteria and whether or how magnetic properties are affected by this metabolic activity. We show through magnetic and spectroscopic measurements that the phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizer Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 can oxidize solid-phase magnetite nanoparticles using light energy, leading to a decrease in the measured magnetic susceptibility (MS). This process likely occurs at the surface and is reversible in the dark by the Fe(III)-reducer Geobacter sulfurreducens resulting in an increase in MS. These results show that iron ions bound in highly crystalline mineral magnetite are bioavailable as electron stores and electron sinks under varying environmental conditions, making magnetite a potential “biogeobattery” during day/night cycles. These findings are relevant for environmental studies and reinforce the impact of microbial redox processes on the global iron cycle.

Byrne J, N Klueglein, CI Pearce, KM Rosso, E Appel, and A Kappler.2015."Redox cycling of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in magnetite by Fe-metabolizing bacteria."Science 347(6229):1473-1476. doi:10.1126/science.aaa4834
M Kevin
Byrne J
N Klueglein
CI Pearce
KM Rosso
E Appel
A Kappler
Publication year: 

Pore-Scale Process Coupling and Effective Surface Reaction Rates in Heterogeneous Subsurface Materials.


This manuscript provides a review of pore-scale researches in literature including experimental and numerical approaches, and scale-dependent behavior of geochemical and biogeochemical reaction rates in heterogeneous porous media. A mathematical equation that can be used to predict the scale-dependent behavior of geochemical reaction rates in heterogeneous porous media has been derived. The derived effective rate expression explicitly links the effective reaction rate constant to the intrinsic rate constant, and to the pore-scale variations in reactant concentrations in porous media. Molecular simulations to calculate the intrinsic rate constants were provided. A few examples of pore-scale simulations were used to demonstrate the application of the equation to calculate effective rate constants in heterogeneous materials. The results indicate that the deviation of effective rate constant from the intrinsic rate in heterogeneous porous media is caused by the pore-scale distributions of reactants and their correlation, which are affected by the pore-scale coupling of reactions and transport.

Liu C, Y Liu, SN Kerisit, and JM Zachara.2015."Pore-Scale Process Coupling and Effective Surface Reaction Rates in Heterogeneous Subsurface Materials."Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 80(1):191-216. doi:10.2138/rmg.2015.80.06
Liu Chongxuan
Liu C
Y Liu
SN Kerisit
JM Zachara
Publication year: 

Impacts of Organic Ligands on Forsterite Reactivity in Supercritical CO2 Fluids.


Subsurface injection of CO2 for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery, hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs, and geologic carbon sequestration produces a complex geochemical setting in which CO2-dominated fluids containing dissolved water and organic compounds interact with rocks and minerals. The details of these reactions are relatively unknown and benefit from additional experimentally derived data. In this study, we utilized an in situ X-ray diffraction technique to examine the carbonation reactions of forsterite (Mg2SiO4) during exposure to supercritical CO2 (scCO2) that had been equilibrated with aqueous solutions of acetate, oxalate, malonate, or citrate at 50 °C and 90 bar. The organics affected the relative abundances of the crystalline reaction products, nesquehonite (MgCO3·3H2O) and magnesite (MgCO3), likely due to enhanced dehydration of the Mg2+ cations by the organic ligands. These results also indicate that the scCO2 solvated and transported the organic ligands to the forsterite surface. This phenomenon has profound implications for mineral transformations and mass transfer in the upper crust.

Miller QR, J Kaszuba, HT Schaef, ME Bowden, and BP McGrail.2015."Impacts of Organic Ligands on Forsterite Reactivity in Supercritical CO2 Fluids."Environmental Science & Technology 49(7):4724–4734. doi:10.1021/es506065d
E Mark
Miller QR
J Kaszuba
HT Schaef
ME Bowden
BP McGrail
Publication year: 

Mechanistic Details and Reactivity Descriptors in Oxidation and Acid Catalysis of Methanol.


Acid and redox reaction rates of CH3OH-O2 mixtures on polyoxometalate (POM) clusters, together with isotopic, spectroscopic, and theoretical assessments of catalyst properties and reaction pathways, were used to define rigorous descriptors of reactivity and to probe the compositional effects for oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) and dehydration reactions. 31P-MAS NMR, transmission electron microscopy
and titrations of protons with di-tert-butylpyridine during catalysis showed that POM clusters retained their Keggin structure upon dispersion on SiO2 and after use in CH3OH reactions. The effects of CH3OH and O2 pressures and of D-substitution
on ODH rates show that C−H activation in molecularly adsorbed CH3OH is the sole kinetically relevant step and leads to reduced centers as intermediates present at low coverages; their concentrations, measured from UV−vis spectra obtained during catalysis, are consistent with the effects of CH3OH/O2 ratios predicted from the elementary steps proposed. First-order ODH rate constants depend strongly on the addenda atoms (Mo vs W) but weakly on the central atom (P vs Si) in POM clusters, because C−H activation steps inject electrons into the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO) of the clusters, which are the d-orbitals at Mo6+ and W6+ centers. H-atom addition energies (HAE) at O-atoms in POM clusters represent the relevant theoretical probe of the LUMO energies and of ODH reactivity. The calculated energies of ODH transition states at each O-atom depend linearly on their HAE values with slopes near unity, as predicted for late transition states in which electron transfer and C−H cleavage are essentially complete. HAE values averaged over all accessible O-atoms in POM clusters provide the appropriate reactivity descriptor for oxides whose known structures allow accurate HAE calculations. CH3OH dehydration proceeds via parallel pathways mediated by late carbenium-ion transition states; effects of composition on dehydration reactivity reflect changes in charge reorganizations and electrostatic forces that stabilize protons at Brønsted acid

Deshlahra P, RT Carr, SH Chai, and E Iglesia.2015."Mechanistic Details and Reactivity Descriptors in Oxidation and Acid Catalysis of Methanol."ACS Catalysis 5(2):666-682. doi:10.1021/cs501599y
P Deshlahra
RT Carr
SH Chai
E Iglesia
Publication year: 

Wellbore cement fracture evolution at the cement–basalt caprock interface during geologic carbon sequestration.


Composite Portland cement-basalt caprock cores with fractures, as well as neat Portland cement columns, were prepared to understand the geochemical and geomechanical effects on the integrity of wellbores with defects during geologic carbon sequestration. The samples were reacted with CO2-saturated groundwater at 50 ºC and 10 MPa for 3 months under static conditions, while one cement-basalt core was subjected to mechanical stress at 2.7 MPa before the CO2 reaction. Micro-XRD and SEM-EDS data collected along the cement-basalt interface after 3-month reaction with CO2-saturated groundwater indicate that carbonation of cement matrix was extensive with the precipitation of calcite, aragonite, and vaterite, whereas the alteration of basalt caprock was minor. X-ray microtomography (XMT) provided three-dimensional (3-D) visualization of the opening and interconnection of cement fractures due to mechanical stress. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling further revealed that this stress led to the increase in fluid flow and hence permeability. After the CO2-reaction, XMT images displayed that calcium carbonate precipitation occurred extensively within the fractures in the cement matrix, but only partially along the fracture located at the cement-basalt interface. The 3-D visualization and CFD modeling also showed that the precipitation of calcium carbonate within the cement fractures after the CO2-reaction resulted in the disconnection of cement fractures and permeability decrease. The permeability calculated based on CFD modeling was in agreement with the experimentally determined permeability. This study demonstrates that XMT imaging coupled with CFD modeling represent a powerful tool to visualize and quantify fracture evolution and permeability change in geologic materials and to predict their behavior during geologic carbon sequestration or hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production and enhanced geothermal systems.

Jung HB, S Kabilan, JP Carson, AP Kuprat, W Um, PF Martin, ME Dahl, TA Kafentzis, T Varga, SA Stephens, BW Arey, KC Carroll, A Bonneville, and CA Fernandez.2014."Wellbore cement fracture evolution at the cement–basalt caprock interface during geologic carbon sequestration."Applied Geochemistry 47:1-16. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.04.010
Varga Tamas
Bruce W Arey
Jung HB
S Kabilan
JP Carson
AP Kuprat
W Um
PF Martin
ME Dahl
TA Kafentzis
T Varga
SA Stephens
BW Arey
KC Carroll
A Bonneville
CA Fernez
Publication year: 

Stimuli-Responsive/Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids as a Greener Alternative to Support Geothermal and Fossil Energy


Cost-effective yet safe creation of high-permeability reservoirs within deep bedrock is the primary challenge for the viability of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) and unconventional oil/gas recovery. Although fracturing fluids are commonly used for oil/gas, standard fracturing methods are not developed or proven for EGS temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, the environmental impacts of currently used fracturing methods are only recently being determined. Widespread concerns about the environmental contamination have resulted in a number of regulations for fracturing fluids advocating for greener fracturing processes. To enable EGS feasibility and lessen environmental impact of reservoir stimulation, an environmentally benign, CO2-activated, rheoreversible fracturing fluid that enhances permeability through fracturing (at significantly lower effective stress than standard fracturing fluids) due to in situ volume expansion and gel formation is investigated herein. The chemical mechanism, stability, phase-change behavior, and rheology for a novel polyallylamine (PAA)-CO2 fracturing fluid was characterized at EGS temperatures and pressures. Hydrogel is formed upon reaction with CO2 and this process is reversible (via CO2 depressurization or solubilizing with a mild acid) allowing removal from the formation and recycling, decreasing environmental impact. Rock obtained from the Coso geothermal field was fractured in laboratory experiments under various EGS temperatures and pressures with comparison to standard fracturing fluids, and the fractures were characterized with imaging, permeability measurement, and flow modeling. This novel fracturing fluid and process may vastly reduce water usage and the environmental impact of fracturing practices and effectively make EGS production and unconventional oil/gas exploitation cost-effective and cleaner.

Jung HB, KC Carroll, S Kabilan, DJ Heldebrant, DW Hoyt, L Zhong, T Varga, SA Stephens, L Adams, A Bonneville, AP Kuprat, and CA Fernandez.2015."Stimuli-Responsive/Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids as a Greener Alternative to Support Geothermal and Fossil Energy Production."Green Chemistry 17(5):2799-2812. doi:10.1039/c4gc01917b
W David
Tamas Varga
Jung HB
KC Carroll
S Kabilan
DJ Heldebrant
DW Hoyt
L Zhong
T Varga
SA Stephens
L Adams
A Bonneville
AP Kuprat
CA Fernez
Publication year: 

Charge-coupled Substituted Garnets (Y3-xCa0.5xM0.5x)Fe5O12 (M = Ce, Th): Structure and Stability as Crystalline Nuclear Waste


The garnet structure has been proposed as a potential crystalline nuclear waste form for accommodation of actinide elements, especially uranium (U). In this study, yttrium iron garnet (YIG) as a model garnet host was studied for the incorporation of U analogs, cerium (Ce), and thorium (Th), incorporated by a charge-coupled substitution with calci-um (Ca) for yttrium (Y) in YIG, namely 2Y3+ = Ca2+ + M4+, where M4+ = Ce4+ or Th4+. Single phase garnets Y3-xCa0.5xM0.5xFe5O12, synthesized by the citrate-nitrate combustion method, were obtained up to x = 0.7. Ce was confirmed to be tetravalent by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy indicated that the samples are single phase, M4+ and Ca2+ cations are restricted to the c-site, the nature of M4+ has only a minor effect on the structure, and the local environments of both the tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+ are systematically affected by the extent of substitution, especially on the tetrahedral sublattice. The charge coupled substitution has advantages in incorporating Ce/Th and in stabilizing the substituted phases, compared to a single substitution strategy. Enthalpies of formation of garnets were obtained by high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry, and the enthalpies of substitution of Ce and Th were determined. The thermodynamic analysis demonstrates that the substituted garnets are entropically rather than energetically stabilized. This suggests that such garnets may form and persist in repositories at high temperature but might decompose near room temperature. These structural and thermodynamic findings shed light on possible incorporation of U in this garnet system.

Guo X, RK Kukkadapu, A Lanzirotti, M Newville, MH Engelhard, SR Sutton , and A Navrotsky.2015."Charge-coupled Substituted Garnets (Y3-xCa0.5xM0.5x)Fe5O12 (M = Ce, Th): Structure and Stability as Crystalline Nuclear Waste Forms."Inorganic Chemistry 54(8):4156-4166. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b00444
K Ravi
Mark H Engelhard
Guo X
RK Kukkadapu
A Lanzirotti
M Newville
MH Engelhard
SR Sutton
A Navrotsky
Publication year: 

Amphoteric Doping of Praseodymium Pr3+ in SrTiO3 Grain Boundaries.


Charge Compensation in rare-earth Praseodymium (Pr3+) doped SrTiO3 plays an important role in determining the overall photoluminescence properties of the system. Here, the Pr3+ doping behavior in SrTiO3 grain boundaries (GBs) is analyzed using aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The presence of Pr3+ induces structure variations and changes the statistical prevalence of GB structures. In contrast to the assumption that Pr3+ substitutes for A site as expected in the bulk, Pr3+ is found to substitute both Sr and Ti sites inside GBs with the highest concentration in the Ti sites. This amphoteric doping behavior in the boundary plane is further confirmed by first principles theoretical calculations.

Yang H, HS Lee, PG Kotula, Y Sato, Y Ikuhara, and ND Browning.2015."Amphoteric Doping of Praseodymium Pr3+ in SrTiO3 Grain Boundaries."Applied Physics Letters 106(12):Article No. 121904. doi:10.1063/1.4916223
H Yang
HS Lee
PG Kotula
Y Sato
Y Ikuhara
ND Browning
Publication year: 

A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations.


Extensive research efforts have been invested in reducing model errors to improve the predictive ability of biogeochemical earth and environmental system simulators, with applications ranging from contaminant transport and remediation to impacts of biogeochemical elemental cycling (e.g., carbon and nitrogen) on local ecosystems and regional to global climate. While the bulk of this research has focused on improving model parameterizations in the face of observational limitations, the more challenging type of model error/uncertainty to identify and quantify is model structural error which arises from incorrect mathematical representations of (or failure to consider) important physical, chemical, or biological processes, properties, or system states in model formulations. While improved process understanding can be achieved through scientific study, such understanding is usually developed at small scales. Process-based numerical models are typically designed for a particular characteristic length and time scale. For application-relevant scales, it is generally necessary to introduce approximations and empirical parameterizations to describe complex systems or processes. This single-scale approach has been the best available to date because of limited understanding of process coupling combined with practical limitations on system characterization and computation. While computational power is increasing significantly and our understanding of biological and environmental processes at fundamental scales is accelerating, using this information to advance our knowledge of the larger system behavior requires the development of multiscale simulators. Accordingly there has been much recent interest in novel multiscale methods in which microscale and macroscale models are explicitly coupled in a single hybrid multiscale simulation. A limited number of hybrid multiscale simulations have been developed for biogeochemical earth systems, but they mostly utilize application-specific and sometimes ad-hoc approaches for model coupling. We are developing a generalized approach to hierarchical model coupling designed for high-performance computational systems, based on the Swift computing workflow framework. In this presentation we will describe the generalized approach and provide two use cases: 1) simulation of a mixing-controlled biogeochemical reaction coupling pore- and continuum-scale models, and 2) simulation of biogeochemical impacts of groundwater – river water interactions coupling fine- and coarse-grid model representations. This generalized framework can be customized for use with any pair of linked models (microscale and macroscale) with minimal intrusiveness to the at-scale simulators. It combines a set of python scripts with the Swift workflow environment to execute a complex multiscale simulation utilizing an approach similar to the well-known Heterogeneous Multiscale Method. User customization is facilitated through user-provided input and output file templates and processing function scripts, and execution within a high-performance computing environment is handled by Swift, such that minimal to no user modification of at-scale codes is required.

Scheibe TD, X Yang, X Chen, and GE Hammond.2015."A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations."Procedia Computer Science 51:1098-1107. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.276
D Timothy
Scheibe TD
X Yang
X Chen
GE Hammond
Publication year: 

Dynamics in microbial communities: Unraveling mechanisms to identify principles.


Diversity begets higher order properties such as functional stability and robustness in microbial communities, but principles that inform conceptual (and eventually predictive) models of community dynamics are lacking. Recent work has shown that selection as well as dispersal and drift shape communities, but the mechanistic bases for assembly of communities and the forces that maintain their function in the face of environmental perturbation are not well understood. Conceptually, some interactions among community members could generate endogenous dynamics in composition, even in the absence of environmental changes. These endogenous dynamics are further perturbed by exogenous forcing factors to produce a richer network of community interactions, and it is this “system” that is the basis for higher order community properties. Elucidation of principles that follow from this conceptual model requires identifying the mechanisms that (a) optimize diversity within a community and (b) impart community stability. The network of interactions between organisms can be an important element by providing a buffer against disturbance beyond the effect of functional redundancy, as alternative pathways with different combinations of microbes can be recruited to fulfill specific functions.

Konopka A, SR Lindemann, and JK Fredrickson.2015."Dynamics in microbial communities: Unraveling mechanisms to identify principles."The ISME Journal 9(7):1488–1495. doi:10.1038/ismej.2014.251
A Konopka
SR Lindemann
JK Fredrickson
Publication year: 



Capability Details

  • Electron spectrometers with high spatial and energy resolution in-situ and ex-situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
  • Secondary ion mass spectrometers with single and cluster ion sources, and time-of-flight and magnetic mass analyzers
  • Electron microscopes with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy and electron backscatter diffraction
  • Local Electrode Atom Probe tomography system with 355 nm UV laser and reflectron flight path for high mass resolution
  • Fourier transform infrared spectrometers with vacuum bench and variable temperature capability
  • Confocal-Raman, cryogenic time-resolved fluorescence, circular dichroism, stopped-flow absorbance, laser-induced breakdown and sum frequency generation optical tools
  • Variable temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy systems for bulk (transmission mode) and surface (emission) measures
  • X-ray diffraction instruments with sealed tube or rotating anode for analysis of powder, thin film and single crystal samples; point, CCD and image plate detection. X-ray computed tomography with 225- and 320-kV fixed, and 225-kV rotating target options using a 2000x2000 pixel area detector and state-of-the-art processing and visualization software

Electron spectroscopy – Achieving nanoscale spatial resolution, users can study elemental composition, structural properties, and chemical states of materials with applications to thin films, nanomaterials, catalysis, biological and environmental sciences, corrosion, and atmospheric aerosols.

Electron backscatter diffraction – Samples of microstructures in environmental and material science can be examined with three dimensional reconstruction and characterization using focused ion beam-electron backscatter diffraction analysis.

Atom probe tomography – Atom Probe Tomography (APT) provides comprehensive and accurate three dimensional chemical imaging for characterization of both metallic materials and low electrical conductivity materials, such as semiconductors, oxides, carbides, nitrides and composites.

Ion/molecular beam spectroscopy – Secondary ions and scattered ions from various materials are analyzed in straight, magnetic or time-of-flight mass spectrometers to investigate elemental, isotopic and molecular compositions through surface spectra, one dimensional depth profiling and two dimensional and three dimensional chemical imaging.

57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy – Using 57Fe (a versatile, highly sensitive, and stable isotope with natural abundance of 2.2%), users can obtain information about the valence state, coordination number and magnetic ordering temperatures for a wide range of Fe-containing samples; (e.g., Fe-organic matter complexes, sediments, catalysts, glass materials).

Optical spectroscopy – Fluorimetry, stopped-flow absorbance, FTIR and confocal-Raman tools enable analysis for biology, radiochemistry, and catalysis. Sum frequency generation-vibrational spectroscopy and second harmonic generation are available to study liquid, liquid and solid, and liquid interfaces.

X-ray tomography and diffractometers – X-ray computed tomography delivers images of microstructures (components, pore structure and connectivity) in biological and geological samples at tens of microns spatial resolution. General purpose and specialized x-ray diffraction systems, including single-crystal, microbeam and variable temperature powder capabilities, empower phase analysis of polycrystalline, epitaxial thin films, protein structure determination, and studies of problematic small inorganic molecules.


The atmospheric pressure reactor system is designed for testing the efficiency of various catalysts for the treatment of gas-phase pollutants. EMSL...
Custodian(s): Russell Tonkyn
The LEAP® 4000 XHR local electrode atom probe tomography instrument enabled the first-ever comprehensive and accurate 3-D chemical imaging studies...
Custodian(s): Arun Devaraj, Daniel Perea
This unique instrument is capable of measuring gas/solid reaction rates under realistic, high-pressure (∼1 atm) conditions using model, low-surface...
Custodian(s): Janos Szanyi
EMSL's non-thermal interfacial reactions instrumentation is available for use in research directed toward understanding non-thermal interfacial...
Custodian(s): Greg Kimmel
The SMSAS is a multi-technique surface analysis instrument based on elemental mapping using either scanning small spot X-rays or the electronics in...
Custodian(s): Shuttha Shutthanandan


The activities of CeO2, Mn2O3-CeO2 and ZrO2-CeO2 were measured for acetic acid ketonization under reaction conditions relevant to pyrolysis vapor...
The ability to tune the atomic-scale structural and chemical ordering in nanoalloy catalysts is essential for achieving the ultimate goal of high...
Surface functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are appealing candidates for analytical separation of heavy metal ions from waste water and...
Nanostructured ferritic alloy is a subcategory of oxide dispersion strengthened steels intended for advanced reactor applications. The complex...
Materials used in advanced fission or fusion reactors must be able to withstand radiation damage doses of several hundred displacements per atom (dpa...

Science Highlights

Posted: November 28, 2016
Catalysts known as zeolites are vital to fuel production and other processes. Coke deposits in zeolites are a costly problem in petroleum refinement...
Posted: October 21, 2016
The Science Aerosols play an important role in climate, air quality, and health. A recent study provides new molecular-level insights into how a...
Posted: September 15, 2016
Scientists from the University of Minnesota and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory used capabilities at EMSL and other facilities to make...
Posted: September 13, 2016
The Science Sodium-ion batteries are an attractive alternative to lithium-ion batteries due to their high efficiency and low cost, but development...
Posted: September 12, 2016
Manganese, unlike other elements, can lose up to seven electrons or take as many as three electrons from its surroundings, which has implications...


The aim of this proposal is to build upon our initial success in the exploration of the 3-D location and distribution of the Al and Si atoms in...
Biological particles may be an important source of ice nucleating particles (INPs) at modestly supercooled cloud temperatures. These particles can...
Quantum information science is an up and coming area of research aimed to transform computing capabilities in the future. The use of quantum bits, or...
A critical challenge for high temperature electrochemistry is metallic catalyst stability. Rapid migration of nickel features is a key limitation to...
The Nuclear Process Science Initiative (NPSI) is an internal, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program investment in support of...


(509) 371-7816

Dr. Bowden manages EMSL's optical spectroscopy and diffraction, subsurface flow and transport, and microfabrication and deposition capabilities. He is responsible for the X-ray diffraction facility and assists or conducts measurement and...