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Hiring Reconstruction Reports
In an October 3, 2013 “Special Inquiry Report, Review of Allegations Regarding Prohibited Personnel Practices at the Bonneville Power Administration,” the Department of Energy Inspector General identified irregularities and shortcomings in Bonneville’s hiring practices during the period between November 2010 and June 2012. Prior to the release of this report, DOE Headquarters Human Capital Management and the United States Office of Personnel Management had conducted separate reviews of BPA’s human resources programs – specifically our hiring practices. As a result of these audits, BPA is working with DOE Headquarters and OPM to reconstruct all hiring cases to remove the irregularities and shortcomings identified by the audits for the period of October 2010 through June 2013.
The dashboards on this page display our progress in correcting any hiring actions impacted by the irregularities and shortcomings referenced above. The graph on the top left indicates that 1,259 cases need to be reconstructed, but only 403 are what we term “external cases” (jobs open to the public rather than being limited to current federal employees). Potential priority placements (applicants who are entitled to a job offer) would only come from those external cases, and the top middle graph shows that as of July 2014 we have reconstructed 403 (100 percent) of those cases.

​Of those 403 cases, 35 have resulted in priority placement offers. That means that 91 percent of the external cases reconstructed thus far have either resulted in no errors found or no errors that would warrant a priority placement offer. The remaining graphs show the number of individuals BPA has made job offers to or hired, the number of positions currently open at BPA and current expenditures.

BPA will post updated dashboards monthly near the middle of each month.