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Crop Management Templates

WEPS:  Management and CMZ Management Templates

WEPS is expected to reflect effects of various management practices and crop rotations on wind erosion.  The wide diversity of practices and rotations that are applied to crop land by land managers makes this a difficult task. 

WEPS must adequately simulate typical cultural practices to accurately assess their effects upon wind erosion management. All cultural practices are by definition "human initiated". These human-controlled processes that affect the soil and field surface "state" are initiated by typical management activities such as tillage operations, crop selection, planting, harvesting, irrigation, etc.

WEPS Crop Management Zone (CMZ) Templates:

Management Templates are updated periodically by NRCS State CMZ Leads and NRCS database stewards.  Each zip file contains common crop rotation / management systems for geographic areas (CMZs).  These multiple and single crop interval templates can be selected and customized with the WEPS management editor and used for WEPS Wind Erosion simulations.

 Maps of Crop Management Zone locations in the United States  



   North Central




South Central



Available for Download:  WEPS CMZ Management Templates