Ecosystem-Based Management Tools Network

The EBM Tools Network helps decision-makers minimize the impacts of development on the coastal and marine realms.​The Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Network, co-coordinated by NatureServe and, is a premier source of information and training for planning and management tools for coastal-marine ecosystem based management (EBM), marine protected area (MPA) and marine spatial planning (MSP) and integrated land-sea planning. Its mission is to promote healthy ecosystems and communities by increasing the knowledge and capactiy of coastal-marine practitioners to apply tools that help incorporate ecosystem-based thinking into management decisions.

Search the EBM Tools database

Ecosystem-Based Management tools are methods and software that help practitioners incorporate scientific and socioeconomic information into decision making. EBM tools can help: develop models of ecosystems; generate scenarios illustrating the consequences of different management decisions on natural resources and the economy; and facilitate stakeholder involvement in planning processes.

The network is currently focusing on tools for:

  • Climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning
  • Ecosystem-based coastal and marine spatial planning
  • Integrated land-sea planning to minimize the impacts of land use on coastal and marine environments.

Training Program

We can help you plan, develop, and conduct training events in EBM Tools ranging from half-day events to multi-day training workshops anywhere in the world. We can help as much or little as you like, including:

  • Assist in scoping the topics and tools of interest
  • Identifying specific tools and trainers
  • Planning agendas and assisting with logistics
  • Full turn key event production
  • NatureServe's EBM Team can also provide half-day to in-depth training in our integrated land-sea planning toolkit, configured for your regional needs and conditions.

Check out this participant blog from our 2016 Caribbean Basin EBM Tools Training.

To discuss your needs, contact

What People are Saying

"The Network helps me keep myself updated in technological advances, methodologies, and techniques for conservation work."
          -Network member

"You and your colleagues continue to astound me with all you great products and services. Webinars are a great thing for all of us in far flung, small communities."
          -Webinar participant

"Thank you so much for putting these sessions together. There is no way that as an NGO in a developing country we can access this type of learning any other way."
          -Webinar participant