
Climate change. Invasive species. Habitat fragmentation. These and other growing challenges transcend individual habitats, watersheds, and states, requiring conservation collaboration at broad landscape and regional scales if we are to continue to protect wild things and wild places. The Science Applications Program was established in 2009 to facilitate a cross-program/cross-agency approach connecting the best available science to the most pressing large-scale conservation issues facing the Service. Science Applications works to coordinate partner efforts developing science for common outcomes, ensuring science products are high quality, non-duplicative, and accessible to conservation managers and decision makers. Science Applications strives to enhance the Service's science credibility, internally and externally, by upholding a high standard for science and its application in conservation decision-making using Strategic Habitat Conservation as our business model.


Dave Scott, national Science Integrity Officer for the Fish and Wildlife Service, provides opening remarks.

Dave Scott, national Science Integrity Officer for the Fish and Wildlife Service, provides opening remarks.

Shining the Spotlight on Science in the Service

On April 20-21, 2016, Region 1 held its inaugural region-wide Science of the Service symposium in Portland. Twenty USFWS employees shared information on innovative development and applications of science, ranging from new genetic tools to use of drones for fish surveys. Each presentation was video-recorded

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Janine Castro, USFWS geomorphologist

Janine Castro, USFWS geomorphologist
Photo Credit: Janine Castro

Speaking of Science - Stepping Out of the Stereotype

Just because someone is a biologist or engineer does not mean that their presentation must be dry and boring. Everyone can be a better speaker! In this videotaped presentation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service geomorphologist Dr. Janine Castro provides public speaking tips and common pitfalls associated with sharing scientific information

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Red-tailed tropic bird swarmed by yellow crazy antsResearchers collecting wetlands data

Researchers collecting wetlands data
Credit: Maureen Ryan

Climate Science Success: North Pacific LCC Funded Work Aiding Land Management Around the Region.

Each year, the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) funds a number of management-relevant projects that enhance understanding the effects of climate change to better inform natural and cultural resource management decisions. In 2011, the NPLCC provided funding to The University of Washingtonï¾’s Dr. Alan Hamlet for a project researching Climate Change Effects on Pacific Northwest Wetland Ecosystems.

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