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  • Shark Conservation Act Final Rule

    June 28: NOAA Fisheries published a final rule to implement the domestic provisions of the Shark Conservation Act. Read More . . .

  • $2.4M+ Awarded for Bycatch Reduction

    Aug 31: NOAA Fisheries announces more than $2.4 million in funding for 18 projects through the Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program. Read More . . .

  • Celebrating 40 Rebuilt Stocks

    Oct. 12: Barndoor skates are the 40th rebuilt stock in U.S. fisheries under the Magnuson-Stevens Act. Read More . . .

  • National Standard 1 Revisions

    Oct. 13: NOAA Fisheries enhances utility and effectiveness of NS1 guidelines through newly released revisions. Read More . . .

  • National Bycatch Reduction Strategy

    Dec. 20: NOAA Fisheries announces new national strategy for bycatch reduction. Read More . . .

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Atlantic HMS
Catch Shares
Fishery Management Councils
Disaster Assistance
National Standard 1
Recreational Fishing
Status of Stocks
Learn more about the Office of Sustainable Fisheries!
More NOAA Fisheries News
2016 ICCAT Meeting Takes Steps to Combat IUU Fishing, Sustainably Manage Species
Fisheries of the U.S. Report 2015
GAO Report on Efforts to Address Climate Change Effects on Federal Fisheries
U.S. fisheries are among the world’s largest and most sustainable. The U.S. science-based fishery management process prevents overfishing and rebuilds fish stocks, helping strengthen the value of fisheries to the economy, our communities, and marine ecosystems and providing a long-term supply of seafood for the nation. The Office of Sustainable Fisheries supports national domestic policy issues, provides support to the regional fishery management councils, manages Atlantic highly migratory species, and works with federal partners to ensure the safety of seafood sold in the United States. We work closely with the NOAA Fisheries regional offices and science centers and in partnership with the regional fishery management councils, interstate marine fishery commissions, and states to ensure U.S. fisheries are sustainably managed.