Cook Inlet Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244

The Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2012-2017 includes one potential special-interest lease sale in the Cook Inlet Planning Area (Sale 244). This sale is currently scheduled for June 2017.

A special-interest lease sale first asks companies to nominate specific tracts in the planning area they potentially would be interested in exploring and developing through a Request for Interest (RFI).

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Lease Sales, 2012-2017, Five-Year Program Overview for Cook Inlet Stakeholders


Dec 22

BOEM announces the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing the possible environmental impacts of oil and gas development in the federal submerged lands of Cook Inlet, off Alaska’s southcentral coast. The Notice of Availability of the EIS will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, December 23.

Cook Inlet Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sale 244, In the Cook Inlet, Alaska - Final Environmental Impact Statement - Volume 1 | Volume 2

Sep 6

The public comment period closes for the Lease Sale 244 Draft EIS (see entry for July 22, below).

Jul 22

The Notice of Availability for the Lease Sale 244 Draft EIS (referenced in the July 15 entry, below) is published in the Federal Register. This publication initiates a 45-day public comment period ending at midnight Eastern Time on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016. During this time, comments may be submitted via (click the "Comment Now" button on the top right) or at a scheduled public hearing. The comments received will be used to inform preparation of the Final EIS.

Schedule of public hearings:

  • Anchorage: Aug. 15, 5pm-8pm (Dena'ina Center | 600 W 7th Ave)
  • Homer: Aug. 17, 5pm-8pm (Islands & Ocean Visitor Center | 95 Sterling Hwy)
  • Kenai: Aug. 18, 5pm-8pm (National Guard Armory | 105 S Forest Dr)
Jul 21

The Notice of Availability referenced below is made available in the Federal Register Reading Room.

Jul 15

BOEM issues a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing the possible environmental impacts of a potential oil and gas lease sale in Cook Inlet (Cook Inlet OCS Oil & Gas Lease Sale #244). A Notice of Availability for the draft document will appear in Federal Register Reading Room on Thursday, July 21; and in the Federal Register itself on Friday, July 22.

The July 22 Federal Register publication will initiate a public comment period running from July 22 to midnight Eastern Time on Tuesday, Sept. 6. During that time, BOEM's Alaska OCS Region will accept public comment via, and will hold public hearings in Anchorage, Homer and Kenai. The comments received will be used to inform preparation of the Final EIS.  Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Press Release


Nov 11

Schedule of scoping meetings:

  • Nov. 12, 7pm - Seldovia (Tribal Conference Center)
  • Nov. 13, noon - Nanwalek (Tribal Community Center)
  • Nov. 13, 7pm - Homer (UPDATE: Homer Middle School)
  • Nov. 14, [UPDATE: 5pm-8pm] - Soldotna (Kenai Peninsula College)
  • Nov. 24, 7pm - Anchorage (Loussac Library)
Oct 23

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has announced that it will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in support of a potential oil and gas lease sale in Cook Inlet, off Alaska’s south central coast. The Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS is now available via the Federal Register. This publication opens a public comment period extending through Monday, Dec. 8, 2014 (midnight EST). During this time, BOEM will hold public scoping meetings and accept comments through


Nov 27

BOEM issues Sale 244 Area Identification decision (map included). The area identified by the Bureau consists of 224 blocks toward the northern part of the inlet, and covers approximately 1.08 million acres of seafloor, stretching roughly from Kalgin Island in the north to Augustine Island in the south. IMPORTANT: The Area ID does not indicate that a final decision has been made to hold the potential lease sale, or on its size. Prior to making these decisions, federal law requires that the bureau study the potential environmental impacts of oil and gas development in the area. Accordingly, this Area ID announcement will be followed by publication in the Federal Register of a "Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement," along with opportunities for public comment. The final decision on the size of the sale -- and whether to hold the sale at all -- will be based on these and other factors.


May 1

Public comment period closes on Lease Sale 244 RFI.

Mar 27

BOEM publishes the Request for Information (RFI) - Cook Inlet Oil & Gas Lease Sale 244 in the Federal Register. This initial request asks industry, the public, and key stakeholders about geologic, biological, archaeological, subsistence and/or or socio-economic conditions that might bear on potential leasing and development decisions. The RFI does NOT indicate a decision to lease in the Cook Inlet Planning Area. BOEM will not make a decision about any potential lease sale before finalizing the 2012–2017 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program, and determining whether there is adequate interest in holding this sale and conducting thorough environmental reviews. Map accompanying Lease Sale 244 RFI.

Mar 24

Interior Department Invites Industry Interest in Potential Oil and Gas Lease Sale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet.