PSD Science Review 2010
[ Posters | Presentations]

Physical Sciences Review Mar 2010

Presentations by PSD speakers; complete set of review presentations and posters are available at the PSD/GSD ESRL review site.

PSD Presentations

Title Speaker
The Western Water Assessment Kristen Averyt
Historical Reanalysis Gil Compo
Overview: Weather, Water and Climate Services Randy Dole
Development of an Attribution Services Capability Martin Hoerling
Overview: Climate System Observations and Analysis Randy Dole
Climate, Weather and Water Science Overview Chris Fairall
Air Sea/Ice Fluxes Chris Fairall
Landfalling Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers: From Extreme Events to Long-term Consequences Paul Neiman
Diagnosing Times Scales of Atmospheric Moisture Transport Matt Newman
ESRL Research - PSD William Neff
The National Integrated Drought Information System Roger Pulwarty
Research to Improve Climate, Weather and Water Services Marty Ralph
Summary & Way Forward: Climate System Observations and Analysi Marty Ralph
Misrepresentation of Tropical SSTs in Climate Models Prashant Sardeshmukh
Polar (Arctic) Observations and Processes Taneil Uttal
Summary & Way Forward: Weather, Water and Climate Services Robert Webb
New Advances: Global Assimilation and Modeling Jeffrey Whitaker
Summary & Way Forward of Climate, Weather and Water Science Jim Wilczak

Physical Sciences Laboratory Review Posters

Climate, weather and water | Modeling and Data Assimilation | Climate, Weather and Water Services | Technology Transfer and Outreach Activities | Climate System Observations and Analysis

Climate, weather and water

Physical Influences on Satellite-Based Sea Surface Temperature Measurements and Uncertainties
Gary Wick
Large-Scale Air-Sea Interaction: Remote Influences on Tropical Pacific Variability
Michael Alexander, Antonietta Capotondi, Jamie Scott, Amy Solomon, De-Zheng Sun
Scale Interactions within the Madden-Julian Oscillation
George N. Kiladis, Patrick T. Haertel, and Katherine H. Straub
Measurement/Parameterization of Air-Sea Gas Transfer
Jeffrey Hare
Evidence for Deposition of Black Carbon in the Springtime Arctic
J.R. Spackman, R.-S. Gao, W.D. Neff, J.P. Schwarz, L.A. Watts, D.W. Fahey, J.S. Holloway, T.B. Ryerson, J. Peischl, O.R. Cooper, C.A. Brock
Air-Sea Fluxes in Hurricane Models
J.-W. Bao, C. W. Fairall, S. A. Michelson, and L. Bianco
Ocean Acoustic Mapping of Hurricane Wind Fields
Alexander Voronovich and C�cile Penland
Orographic Precipitation Processes
Paul J. Neiman, Allen B. White, F. Martin Ralph, Brooks E. Martner, David E. Kingsmill, Ellen M. Sukovich, Mimi Hughes
Impacts of Asian Dust on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation during an Atmospheric River during the CalWater Early Start Campaign
Andrew P. Ault, Jessie M. Creamean, Christopher R. Williams, Cassandra J. Gaston, F. Martin Ralph, and Kimberly A. Prathe
Processes in the Cloud-Atmospheric Boundary Layer-Surface (CAS) System Impacting Arctic Surface Energy Fluxes
P. Ola G. Persson, M. Shupe, A. Solomon, A. Grachev, and T. Uttal
Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT) Ensemble Modeling
Isidora Jankov and Huiling Yuan
Towards an Earth System Model: Chemistry in the FIM and its effect on forecasting weather and air quality
Georg A. Grell, Tom Henderson, Stuart A McKeen, Jian-Wen Bao and Saulo Freitas
New ways of discretizing the atmosphere/ocean for earth system prediction
Rainer Bleck, Jian-Wen Bao, Stan Benjamin, Jin Lee, Sandy MacDonald, Jacques Middlecoff, Tom Henderson, John M. Brown, Shan Sun and Ning Wang

Modeling and Data Assimilation

Ensemble Kalman Filter Development at ESRL
Jeffrey S. Whitaker, Thomas M. Hamill, Gilbert P. Compo, Philip Pegion
Parameterization of Diabatic Processes in FIM: Implementation, Evaluation and Improvement
J. -W. Bao, G. A. Grell, J. M. Brown, M. Fiorino, S. Benjamin, and J. Lee

Climate, Weather and Water Services

The NOAA, California Department of Water Resources and Scripps Hydrometeorology Testbed Legacy Project
Allen White, Marty Ralph, Mike Anderson, Art Hinojosa, Mike Dettinger, and Dan Cayan
The NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT) Soil Moisture Observing Networks: Linking the Soil to Weather and Climate Processes
Robert Zamora F. Martin Ralph Timothy Schneider
Howard Hanson Dam Rapid Response and NOAA�s New Mobile Atmospheric River Observatory
Allen White, Scott Abbott, Jesse Leach, Clark King, Jim Jordan, Dan Gottas, Marty Ralph, and Robin Webb
Assessment of Extreme Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts and Development of Regional Extreme Event Thresholds Using Data from HMT-2006 and COOP Observers
F. M. Ralph, E. Sukovich, D. Reynolds, M. Dettinger, S. Weagle, W. Clark, P. J. Neiman
Integrated Water Resources Observing Systems and Networks
Jim Jordan, R. Cifelli, S. Abbott, K. Clark, T. Coleman, D. Costa, J. Gibson, D. Gottas, D. Hazen, P. Johnston, C. King, D. Kingsmill, J. Leach, F.M. Ralph, T. Schneider, A. White
NOAA Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT)
Tim Schneider, Seth Gutman, Dave Kingsmill, Marty Ralph, Woody Roberts, Isidora Jankov, Allen White, Bob Zamora
NIDIS Research and Implementation - Developing Early Warning Information Systems Across Climatic Timescales
James Verdin
The U.S. Drought Portal
Michael Brewer and Mark Svoboda
WWA, Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation
K.B. Averyt, A. Ray, J.J Barsugli, K. Wolter, M. Hoerling, N. Doesken, B. Udall, R.S. Webb
Climate, Growth and Drought Threat to Colorado River Water Supply
Balaji Rajagopalan, Kenneth Nowak, James Prairie, Mar=n Hoerling, Benjamin Harding, Joseph Barsugli, Andrea Ray and Bradley Udall
NOAA's Potential Role in Renewable Energy
James Wilczak, M. Marquis, E. Weatherhead, S. Benjamin
Applications of HMT Science to �Operational Forecasting"
Woody Roberts, Patricia Miller, Tim Schneider, and GSD/ISB Staff
The Climate Response to 2007 Arctic Sea Ice Loss
Martin Hoerling, Judith Perlwitz, Jon Eischeid, Xiao-Wei Quan, TaiYi Xu, and Arun Kumar
Using reforecasts to improve probabilistic weather predictions
Tom Hamill, Jeff Whitaker, and Gary Bates
Attribution of Evolving North American Climate Conditions
Judith Perlwitz, Martin Hoerling, Jon Eischeid, Taiyi Xu1, and Arun Kumar
Prospects for Improving Subseasonal Predictions
Kathy Pegion and Prashant D. Sardeshmukh
Seasonal Forecasting of Thermal Stress Conducive to Mass Coral Bleaching Events
C. Penland, L. Matrosova, R.S. Webb, R.S. Pulwarty, G. Liu, C.M. Eakin, S. Lynds, T.R.L. Christensen, S.F. Heron, J.A. Morgan, B.A.A. Parker, W.J. Skirving, A.E. Strong
The Impact of Stratospheric Ozone Hole Recovery on Antarctic Climate
Judith Perlwitz, Steven Pawson, Ryan Fogt, Eric Nielsen, William Neff
Distinct Causes for Two Principal U.S. Droughts of the 20th Century
Martin Hoerling, Xiao-Wei Quan, and Jon Eischeid
PSD Interactive Data Analysis and Plotting Web Pages
Barb DeLuisi, Don Hooper, Greg Keith, Cathy Smith, Tim Coleman, Dan Gottas
Distinguishing the roles of natural and anthropogenically forced decadal climate variability: Implications for prediction
Amy Solomon and Matt Newman
Climate variability and the collapse of a Chinook salmon stock
S. T. Lindley, M. Mohr, W. T. Peterson, C. Grimes, J. Stein, J. Anderson, L. W. Botsford, D. Bottom, C. Busack, T. Collier, J. Ferguson, C. Garza, A. Grover, D. Hankin, R. Kope, P. Lawson, A. Low, B. MacFarlane, K. Moore, M. Palmer-Zwahlen, F. B. Schwing, J. Smith, C. Tracy, R. S. Webb, B. Wells, T. Williams
Regional Experimental Seasonal Forecast Guidance: A 10-year Track Record in the Southwestern U.S.
Klaus Wolter
International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmospheric Data Set (ICOADS)
Scott Woodruff, Sandra Lubker, Steve Worley and Eric Freeman

Technology Transfer and Outreach Activities

NOAA Interdisciplinary Scientific Environmental Technology (ISET) Educational Partnership Program
Tracy Hansen, Chris Harrop, Isidora Jankov, Steve Koch, Tom LeFebvre, MarySue Schultz, Cathy Smith, and David Welsh
Getting to Know NOAA: ESRL Education and Outreach
Ann Reiser and Barb DeLuisi
ARkStorm - A West Coast Storm Scenario
D. A. Cox; L.M.Jones; F.M. Ralph; M.D. Dettinger; M. Hughes; K. Porter; S.C. Perry; P.L. Barnard; D. Hoover; C.J.Wills; J.D. Stock; W. Croyle; J.C. Ferris; G.S. Plumlee; C.N. Alpers; M. Miller; A. Wein; A. Rose; J. Done; K. Topping

Climate System Observations and Analysis

The Boulder Atmospheric Observatory for Climate, Weather, and Water Monitoring
D. Wolfe, W. Neff, A. Andrews, J. Kofler, J. Williams, B. Bartram, D. Welsh, L.C. Patrick, S.J. Oltmans, and J.C. Williams
The Ronald H. Brown Weather-Climate Physics Observing System
Ludovic Bariteau
Comparisons of In Situ Observations of Bulk Near-Surface Meteorological Variables, Turbulent and Radiative Fluxes, and Cloud Properties with Operational NWP Models in the VOCALS Region
Diane Stanitski, C. W. Fairall, R. Weller, E.F. Bradley, Huai-min Zhang, W. Hankins, and A. Beljaars
Science in the Arctic: Providing Scientific Leadership for Topic-Driven Pan-Arctic Research
Lisa Darby
New Technologies in EM Scattering to Retrieve Properties of Ocean Surface Waves Including Tsunamis
Valery Zavorotny and Oleg Godin
Space-Borne Estimates of Atmospheric Water Cycle Parameters
Sergey Matrosov, Gary Wick, Christopher Williams, and Darren Jackson