Get Involved


Volunteers help to ensure marine sanctuaries remain America's underwater treasures for future generations.

volunteers on kayaks

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers participate in a wide variety of activities including diving, whale identification, beach cleanups, water quality monitoring, collecting field observations and surveys, acting as visitor center docents, and wildlife monitoring.


people doing water monitoring

Citizen Science

Citizen science volunteers work with scientists to: identify research questions; collect and analyze data; interpret results; make new discoveries; develop technologies and applications; and/or solve complex problems.

Citizen Science

photo of cliffs and a beach

How You Can Take Action

NOAA has published a notice requesting comments on the methods, formulas, and rationale for the calculations it will use in order to assess fees associated with special use permits (SUPs).

Federal Register Notices

guests at chow gala sitting

National Marine Sanctuary Foundation

The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation enhances national marine sanctuaries in their goal to protect essential U.S. marine areas and to ensure a healthy ocean.

NMS Foundation

Advisory Councils

Bringing together diverse community interests to strengthen the network of national marine sanctuaries and the nation's marine protected areas.

National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Councils

Site-focused, community-based councils advising National Marine Sanctuary System leadership

Sanctuary System Business Advisory Council

Program-focused council connecting the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries with national business interests

Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee

Nationally focused committee advising NOAA and the U.S. Department of the Interior


3 teachers on a beach

National Marine Sanctuary Foundation

students observing a teacher with a starfish


kids and an adult in a kayak

NOAA Corps