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Mark Gendron
Senior Vice President, Power Services
Mark Gendron is BPA’s senior vice president for Power Services. He is responsible for BPA’s power scheduling functions, generation asset management, power contracts and rates, power purchases and acquisitions, energy efficiency and business relationships with BPA’s retail utility customers. Power Services provides power products and services in all markets that are designed to meet customer needs, in addition to providing customers with the benefits of the highest quality and the most competitively priced electricity. Power Services produces revenues of nearly $3 billion per year from the sale of about 11,000 average megawatts of power.

For the past eight years, Gendron served as BPA’s vice president of Northwest Requirements Marketing in Power Services.  In that capacity he was responsible for marketing and contracting the sale of requirements power to BPA’s power customers.  Gendron played key roles in implementing BPA’s long-term Regional Dialogue power contracts and the Residential Exchange Program settlement.

Gendron has worked in the electric utility industry for 33 years, in both engineering and management capacities.  Prior to joining BPA, he worked for 20 years at the City of Idaho Falls; he held the position of Chief Engineer for 10 years and the General Manager of Idaho Falls Power for an additional 10 years. 

He has served on a variety of public power organization committees and boards, including Public Power Council, Idaho Consumer-Owned Utilities Association, Idaho Energy Authority, and Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems.

Gendron has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Idaho.

Gendron is married, has four children, four grandchildren.