
EMB scientists lead work with other scientists from NOAA/ESRL toward the development of advanced global to regional atmospheric models.

  • Next Generation Global Models

  • FIM

    FIM Experimental Model Image

    GSD’s Flow-Following Finite Volume Icosahedral Model (FIM) uses a unique 20-sided mesh grid to model the motion of large weather systems around the world.

  • NIM

    EVENT Interface Image

    GSD is working on the next new global model, NIM (Non-Hydrostatic Icosahedral Model) designed to improve tropical cloud predictions, a major source of uncertainty in extended weather predictions.

  • Coupled

  • WRF-Chem

    EVENT Interface Image

    GSD leads the development of WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting - Chemistry), a next-generation coupled weather and air quality prediction system based on the existing Weather Research and Forecast Model.

  • Nowcasting

    All-Sky Image

    GSD scientists are focused on the application of Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) to nowcasting applications including RTMA (Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis) and its 3-d counterpart, the Rapidly Updated Analysis (RUA).

  • Storm-scale models

  • RAP

    RAP Experimental Model Image

    The Rapid Refresh (RAP) is NOAA’s North American hourly-updating model system that ingests data from a network of ground and satellite-based sensors, radar, and aircraft.

  • HRRR

    Experimental HRRR Model Image

    The High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) is the only hourly updating model that can predict individual thunderstorms on a 3km grid over the U.S.

  • WRF Developmental Testbed Center (external Web site)

    DTC Image

    The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) is a facility where the NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) research and operational communities interact to accelerate testing and evaluation of new models and techniques for research applications and operational implementation, without interfering with current operations.