Enforcement Case Search

Case Identifiers

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Case Type
Case Category
Case Lead
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Industry Code Information

Industry Industry Code Information

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NAICS Code Lookup

Facility Locations

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In Indian Country
Near US-Mexico Border

Case Attributes

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Criminal Section Lookup

Click Pollutant Lookup to select a pollutant
Current Case Status

Multi Media Case
Federal Facility Involvement
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Case Milestones and Dates

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Enforcement Case Outcomes/Settlements

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Search Criteria Selected

Case Identifiers

Clear Case Type selection. Case Type
Clear Case Category selection. Case Category
Clear Case Lead selection. Case Lead
Clear Case Sensitive Flag selection. Case Sensitive Flag
Clear Name selection. Name
Clear Name Type selection. Name Type
Clear ICIS Case Number selection. ICIS Case Number
Clear DOJ Docket Number selection. DOJ Docket Number
Clear Facility ID Number selection. Facility ID Number
Include FRS Values:  
Clear SIC Code 2-digit selection. SIC Code 2-digit selection
Clear SIC Code 3- or 4-digit selection. SIC Code 3- or 4-digit selection
Clear NAICS Code selection. NAICS Code

Facility Locations

Clear Region selection. EPA Region
Clear City selection. City
Clear State selection. State
Clear Zip Code selection(s). Zip Code
Clear County selection. County
Clear District Court selection. District Court
Clear In Indian Country selection. In Indian Country
Clear On or Near Tribal Land selection. On or Near Tribal Land
Clear US-Mexico Border selection. Near US-Mexico Border

Case Attributes

Clear Law Cited selection. Law Cited
Clear Primary Law selection. Primary Law
Clear Section(s) Cited selection. Civil Section(s) Cited
Clear Criminal Section(s) Cited selection. Criminal Section(s) Cited
Clear Pollutant Name selection. Pollutant Name
Clear Current Case Status: Judicial selection. Current Case Status: Judicial
Clear Current Case Status: Administrative selection. Current Case Status: Administrative
Clear Open Case selection. Open Cases
Clear Federal Facility/ Cross Media Indicator selection. Federal Facility/ Cross Media Indicator
Clear OECA Core Program selection. Core Program
Clear Multimedia Case selection. Multi Media Case
Clear Federal Facility Involvement selection. Federal Facility Involvement
Clear Violation selection. Violation
Clear Violation is the Result of Voluntary Self-Disclosure selection. Violation is the Result of Voluntary Self-Disclosure
Clear Enforcement Program selection. Enforcement Program
Clear Enforcement Type selection. Enforcement Type
Clear National Priority Area selection. National Priority Area
Clear Activity Contact Last Name selection. Activity Contact Last Name
Clear Contact Role in Case selection. Role in Case
Clear Case Summary Keyword(s) selection(s). Case Summary Keyword(s)

Case Milestones and Dates

Clear Judicial selection. Judicial
Clear Administrative selection. Administrative
Clear Fiscal Year Date Range selection. Fiscal Year
Clear Date Range selection. Date Range

Enforcement Case Outcomes/Settlements

Clear Federal Penalty Assessed or Agreed to selection. Federal Penalty Assessed or Agreed to
Clear Cost Recovery Awarded selection. Cost Recovery Awarded
Clear Complying Actions selection. Complying Actions
Clear Value of Complying Actions selection. Value of Complying Actions
Clear SEP Activity Category selection. SEP Activity Category
Clear Total Value of SEP(s) selection. Total Value of SEP(s)

Industry Code Information

Currently, SIC and NAICS code data are not maintained for most facilities in the source database. In addition, enforcement cases are often filed against a specific part of a company, which may be associated with a separate industry code. For these reasons, it is likely that the results of a search conducted by industry using SIC or NAICS code will not represent all cases associated with the industry of interest.

Pollutant Lookup

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Enforcement Type(s)

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Enforcement Program(s)

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National Priority Area(s)

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Section(s) Cited

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Complying Actions

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