Tax Returns: A Hidden Gold Mine of Data

I get pretty excited about tax return data. You may recall my really tactful idea earlier this year of asking a blind date for their 1040. It hasn’t really picked up social acceptance yet, but I’m still hopeful, because they can tell you so much about a person. How much do they earn? What kind of home do they own? Do they have children? Are they generous with charitable contributions? It’s enough to fill a Jane Austen novel. (If you’re new to this IRS data, I suggest a read of the earlier blog post.)

So, naturally, I’m excited that we now have an additional year of tax data from the IRS, for 2013. And even more excited to report some new goodies that will make all the data even more useful.

The first thing we have is 11 new groups of indicators. Each group has data on the number of returns with the credit/deduction/tax/etc., percent of all returns with it, total amount of it in the area (for example, total amount of charitable contributions in a zip code), and average amount of the thing in the area.

Here are the new topics:

  • Additional Medicare Tax (part of the Affordable Healthcare Act)
  • Net Investments Tax (also part of the ACA)
  • Self-employment tax
  • Total income
  • IRA payments
  • Self-employment health insurance deductions
  • Student loan interest deductions
  • Tuition and fees deductions
  • Non-refundable education credits (such as the lifetime learning credit and the American Opportunity Credit)
  • Refundable education credits (an additional portion of the American Opportunity Credit)
  • Retirement savings contribution credits

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Use PolicyMap for New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) Applications

New Markets Tax Credit applications are due December 16th, 2015. PolicyMap now provides the most current and comprehensive NMTC eligibility data available from the CDFI Fund and other sources such as the Small Business Administration and the Delta Regional Authority. Community development organizations can find the data for the NMTC application at the top of our Federal Guidelines tab on the Maps page.  We’ve included this year’s data on the Island Areas of the United States, as well.

If you’ve had success using PolicyMap to apply for New Markets Tax Credits, send us your stories!  Let us know about your project, include a picture, and we’ll feature the best stories right here on our blog.

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Ancestry Data: Neat, But Not on PolicyMap

With the ACS 5-year data release coming up in December, we’ve been having discussions about what data we might want to add from the ACS on to PolicyMap. Some good ideas have been tossed around, like data on veterans, people with disabilities, children in poverty, and others. (Stay tuned to see what we add.) But one whole category of data caught my attention: Ethnic origin and ancestry.

Data on ancestry can be fascinating. A quick peek at the Wikipedia page for “Race and ethnicity in the United States” shows a map of the predominant ethnic background in each county:

From Wikipedia

Census-2000-Data-Top-US-Ancestries-by-County“. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

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Mapchats – Land Banks: How Data Transforms Vacancy into Value

Missed the Land Banks webinar? Re-watch and learn more about how important they are to revitalizing communities.

Robert Linn is a Senior GIS/Data Manager at Detroit Land Bank Authority. He manages an inventory of 80,000 parcels while overseeing the development of land use policy and the use of data streams to create more granular and proactive responses to the city’s vacant properties.

Download Robert Linn Powerpoint

Michael Schramm is the Director of Information Technology and Research at Cuyahoga County Land Revitalization Corp. He is recognized as a national expert in property data systems. Mr. Schramm developed the land bank property tracking systems called the Property Profile System at the Cuyahoga Lank Bank. This tool helps the corporation use data to make strategic acquisition decisions as well as track property statuses from acquisition to demolition to disposition. The system is now being licensed to other land banks for their property tracking needs.

Download Michael Shramm Powerpoint
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Visit PolicyMap at APLU in Indianapolis!

annual-meeting-logo-240x180If you are attending APLU this year, we hope you’ll stop by the exhibits to find out why a growing number of universities are subscribing to PolicyMap for university administration, faculty and staff research, and student projects. Please visit us at the APLU exhibits – Booth #19 to see a live demonstration of PolicyMap.

Read more about PolicyMap university access and see a list of current university subscribers here. Visit us at the APLU exhibits to find out more and arrange for a free university-wide trial of PolicyMap.

Use PolicyMap for University Administration:

  • Government Relations: Demonstrate your university’s economic impact within congressional and state representative districts.
  • Outreach, Engagement and Community Affairs: Identify areas in the greatest need for health, food access and educational outreach efforts. Load your own project data to interactively present your community engagement activities to the public.
  • Economic Development: Understand the traits of your area’s workforce and how it is changing over time.
  • Grants and Development: Use PolicyMap for more competitive grant applications.

Use PolicyMap for faculty research and in the classroom in these areas:

  • • social sciences • urban studies and planning • community and economic development • public administration and policy • public health, epidemiology and nursing • political science • education • environmental studies • business • economics • statistics • geography • real estate and housing analysis

Enjoy the Conference!

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PolicyMap Featured in Lincoln Institute Publication

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Land Lines, a publication of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, profiled PolicyMap and how it’s being used across the country to advance data-driven decision making. Learn how PolicyMap streamlines GIS for cities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia and San Antonio.

Charting Progress: PolicyMap Democratizes Data Analysis

Data-driven decision making is easier than ever with this mostly free, intuitive online mapping tool. Featuring expert statistics on 37,000 indicators— from public education and house prices to crime rates—the web’s largest geographic database helps policy makers avoid getting stuck on the wrong side of the widening digital divide.

Read the full story

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PolicyMap Updates for October

Here’s a list of the data we’ve updated over the past month:

Bank Branches, 2015 (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Bank Failures, 2015 (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

Quality of Life
NEW! Museums, 2015 (Institute of Museum and Library Services)

Unemployment, September 2015 (Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics)

Head Start Centers, 2015 (Head Start)
Public Schools: Enrollment and Demographics, 2013-2014 (National Center for Education Statistics)

Federal Guidelines
Promise Zones, 2015 (Department of Housing and Urban Development)

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Mapchats: Watch the PolicyMap in the Classroom Webinar

Did you miss the PolicyMap in the Classroom webinar? Want to see the slides our presenters used? We updated our blog post to include the full webinar recording and each presenter’s slides.

We’ve heard you loud and clear: you love mapping, and you’d like a simple way of incorporating it into your syllabus. Let us help you include mapping in your lesson plans as we hear from two prominent professors about various ways of using PolicyMap in the classroom.  Join us on October 19, 2015 from 3-4 pm EDT for the next webinar in our Mapchats series.  Hear from Dr. Carolina Reid of the University of California at Berkeley as she discusses her use of PolicyMap in her Urban Studies course on environmental, economic and social issues.  And join Dr. Russell McIntire of Thomas Jefferson University as he describes his use of PolicyMap for teaching map-making skills to visualize community-based public health data for his Public Health class.

russell-mcintireDr. Russell K. McIntire, Assistant Professor, Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH) at Thomas Jefferson University: Dr. McIntire received his doctorate in Health Behavior and his Master of Public Health at Indiana University School of Public Health- Bloomington. His major research interests include identifying and analyzing the social, behavioral, and geographic risk factors of substance use among adolescents and other vulnerable populations. In addition to his research, Dr. McIntire teaches epidemiology, social and behavioral theory, and geographic information systems (GIS) classes in the JCPH Master of Public Health program.

carolina-reidDr. Carolina Reid, Assistant Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California at Berkeley: Carolina specializes in housing and community development, with a specific focus on access to credit, homeownership and wealth inequality. She has most recently published research on the impact of the foreclosure crisis on low-income and minority communities, the role of the Community Reinvestment Act during the subprime crisis, and the importance of anti-predatory lending laws for consumer protection. Carolina is particularly interested in interdisciplinary research and the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods.

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Update on how printouts work

You might have noticed that prints work a bit different now. It’s not a big change yet, but it’s a first step before a much bigger update to come. But here’s how printing has changed for now:

You no longer have to wait for the alerts in the top right corner to popup to be able to download your file. Downloads now happen in the browser, and it usually takes a few seconds or more for file to appear. If your file is taking a bit too long, refresh the browser and that should trigger the download.


Options for printing remain the same for now: customize the name to give your map a title, select the orientation of the layout, and pick whether to shade the whole map or just your area.

The format types (i.e. PDF, PNG, or JPEG) are also the same, but you can choose only one format.

All printouts will still save to your My Saved Work section, so you can retrieve a copy later.

Our university and site license users benefit from this new function the most. Printouts now immediately download to your desktop, and you no longer have to go to Saved Work to download.

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Stories Behind Data: Clinton County Catastrophe

DHL_PlaneOften when we think of disasters we think of environmental disasters. But economic disasters can also devastate a community. These disasters often take the form of a giant spike in the unemployment rate. Few counties understand this better than Clinton County, Ohio, a county that was devastated by the closing of its biggest employer in 2009. While the county was recovering in 2013, I was an intern for its Chamber of Commerce and I learned about the county’s story from the local residents. I will use PolicyMap’s economic data to tell the story.

Right before the disaster in 2009, Clinton County’s workforce was heavily concentrated in the transportation and warehouse industry. In 2008, according to the Census Bureau, over 40% of Clinton County’s jobs were in the transportation and warehousing industry. No county in Ohio had similar levels of concentration in this industry. In fact, the county ranked second in terms of percentage of its workforce in this industry in the United States. It was safe to say that when the transportation and warehousing industry does not do well, the Clinton County workforce will not do well. Continue reading

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