\ Renewable & Alternative Fuels - Supply - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data

Supplier Data (includes manufactured and converted vehicles)

About Propane

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), also known as propane, is a clean-burning, high-energy alternative fuel that's been used for decades to power light-, medium-duty and heavy-duty propane vehicles. Propane vehicles work much like gasoline-powered vehicles with spark-ignited engines. Propane is stored as a liquid in a relatively low-pressure tank (about 150 pounds per square inch).

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Yearly Totals
Number of Vehicles  Total Vehicles

Note: Prior to 2004, data on the supply of gasoline-electric hybrids and diesel-electric hybrids were included in the Electric fuel type category.

Vehicle Type

Note: Prior to 2004, data on the supply of gasoline-electric hybrids and diesel-electric hybrids were included in the Electric fuel type category.

Release date: April 8, 2013
Next release date: April 2014