Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy of a fuel and oxidant directly into electrical energy. Since SOFCs produce electricity through an electrochemical reaction and not through a combustion process, they are much more efficient and environmentally benign than conventional electric power generation processes. Their inherent characteristics make them uniquely suitable to address the environmental, climate change, and water concerns associated with fossil fuel based electric power generation.

The NETL Fuel Cell Program maintains a portfolio of RD&D projects that address the technical issues facing the commercialization of SOFC technology and a series of increasingly larger demonstration projects intended to validate the solutions to those issues. To successfully complete the maturation of the SOFC technology from its present state to the point of commercial readiness, the Program’s efforts are channeled through three key technologies, each of which has its respective research focus.

Click on the graphic for more information on the Program’s key technologies, systems analysis, and for the operating principals and benefits of this transformational technology. 

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